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Why did my ex contact me?


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Backstory: My ex broke up with me unexpectedly 6 months ago, saying he no longer wanted to be tied down to a relationship. I did the crazy ex-girlfriend begging act for 3 days after and then went complete no contact. However, I have been seeing him out more lately and we have finally gotten to a point where we say hi, but I still try to avoid him.


Last Week: He randomly texts me last Sunday night telling me that he thinks someone I barely know moved in next to him. We talked a little here and there, but nothing big.


Saturday: He texts me at 2 AM and bought up the plans we had this time last year and then invited me to come over. I knew this was a bad idea so I declined.


If he just wanted a hook up, there are other girls who like him. I don't see why he'd want to contact an ex with emotional baggage. Any thoughts?

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Because you're familiar territory ? Who really knows why...I can't say why exes contact us. The possibilities are endless but unless he is asking you to get back together with him you should cease all contact.


It could be that a girl (or girls) he is talking to want to take it slow and aren't having sex with him. My ex used me for sex until the girl he really wanted to be with gave it up to him. Boy, was I ever a fool. And what's worse, is I knew he was just using me for sex but I went along with it anyway. Oh well, not going to waste my time regretting things I did that I can never take back. I just learned from it. That's all we can do.


Very good that you did not go see him.

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