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GF broke up with me 2 days ago but I'm worried she might try contact

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Hey guys, me and my girlfriend officially broke up 2 days ago. It was basically over 3 weeks ago, but she didn't want to have 'the talk' until my exams were over so when we did talk she sounded like she'd already started to get over me. I realised there was no point trying to fight as she made her decision, so we left on good terms and she said 'hopefully we can be friends in the future' when I said I would be removing her from fb etc. All her friends and family were pleasant with me when it happened and I have removed all of them as well.


I am going strict NC! Been in the gym the past month, catching up with friends and have a holiday for 10 days tomorrow so it's not looking too bad. I do still want her back though... She said she needed to be herself again and was enjoying being on her own, and that the relationship got too serious (but admitted this was down to her as well). She also once rang me asking me to take her back, and then let me know she was drunk and didn't mean it so apologised. That was when strict NC came into play...


Most of my friends and people I have spoke to have said it is more than likely she will come back at some point. Maybe not to reconcile, but she will. This is what worries me. Even if it is a few months down the line I'm not sure I would be strong enough to not answer her. I really fell in love with this girl (went out for 15 months) and she said she would always love me and couldn't see herself with anyone else, but I just couldn't wait for her. My jealousy issues definitely played a part in the break up, but she also did a lot wrong.


She can be quite stubborn and proud and I know it's impossible to say, but do you think she will try to contact me again at some point? She gets bored very easily so I'm worried at some point she will try to talk to me if things aren't as great as she hoped they would be. I did a lot for her :/

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Does it matter? You don't have to reply to her, no matter what she writes.

And if you're really uncomfortable about this, block her.

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