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Is there hope to get back together?

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Me and my ex dated for 5 months, it was recently after she ended a 3 and a half year relationship. I know now that I was essentially the rebound, but we had a rather strong friendship brewing for 2 months before we began dating. We attend the same college and have a good deal of mutual friends on campus. When she ended up dumping me, due to confusion and lingering feelings for her ex, she said "I want to remain friends" and a few days after the breakup she literally begged me to remain friends with her after I mentioned that it was hard to be around her since I still loved her. It is now over 2 weeks since we broke up, and I did not handle the breakup very well at all. I got a little needy and whined alot about how depressed I am. I understand that this is a major turn off for females, as she said it herself. She told me that due to the way I handled the breakup she does not think we will get back together. But within the 2 weeks since the breakup we went to a concert with some friends and she even threw me a birthday party as well as constant hanging out and having meals together, etc. Just yesterday I told her I am going to end all contact with her for a little while until I recover. By implementing the no contact rule 2 weeks after a breakup and after whining and acting needy do I still have a chance of getting her back? I know that after breakups people say and do things they don't mean. Is there a chance that she didn't mean it when she said we probably wouldn't get back together? And because she still wants to remain good friends and essentially begged for my friendship is that a sign that she might still have lingering feelings for me?

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