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Well aftet 5 months me and the ex are reconnecting. Quickie version going out 1.5 years, no real issues other than age 12 years different, but never was an issue for us. Broke sighted many reasons, hes 24 wants to "live" life, thinks i dont want more than playtime etc. main reason if break down was meddling friend who made it her mission. Because she didnt like seeing us happy :/. This she has admitted after 7 months of nc from me her. Him and her though still have some connection and no not "sexual". We all work together lol so that made things harder. But me and him still were friendly but mostly did keep away.


I felt a loss of connection from him bout 2-3 months later. And got the cold shoulder till a month ago. But we just kinda started talking one day and things started to ummm go well? Although right now there is a lot of chaos going on. We've decided to go slow lol, and do the actual date route for a bit.


Neither of us saw anyone else but both did make attempts lol, i just wasnt ready to start anything with anyone, and well he said he just didnt find anykne although got rejected a few times. I was informed he was misserable the whole time. Which at first i was like good lol, but really then i was a bit saddened haha. At anyrate so far we seem to be going on a good route. Im trying to keep things not so serious because he needs a chance to simmer :p but he is making good efforts, even if we arent "together" yet. And doing it slow is nice. Its too early to tell anything but its a start.

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Idw to be harsh but it isnt a good idea to date men who are younger than you. Woman basically already mature sooner than man mentally. And the sex, the older woman get, the less sex she desires but men however the need is same . What will happen if one day you cant cater for it? He gonna look for it s0mewhere else. Yes, again, uk him, we dont, but think carefully. Its usually better to date men who are older than u, n0t younger

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