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stuck in the rut

sick of it

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I find that everything I do for myself is actually out of spite for my ex. My working out and losing 70lbs, though makes me happy (kind of), is in hopes to wow the ex if and when I ever see her again. Any success in school or money made or job opportunity is in hopes that she hears about it and is impressed. Its unhealthy to think like that. Its not unhealthy to be driven…but I think I expect something to come out of it. I know theres nothing on there other end…but im hoping…even though there absolutely no basis for it.

Ive changed a lot since everything happened. Changed for the better, with the exception of still feeling down about everything. Physically, like I said, ive dropped 70 lbs, been working out, Ive become more independent, ive grown up, ive appreciated everything much more. Im just not happy.

Everyone that sees me is amazed at how different I am…not necessarily in a bad way. Ive become lower key…but sometimes the real me comes out ;)

I don’t know how to not focus everything on her. I feel like the main character in Sideways…im still pining though the ex has a new husband and a kid on the way. No matter what I cant break the cycle. Im going on a year of this. A year at the end of May. This was a significant relationship (5.5 years). I didn’t expect it to go away quickly (unlike how she dealt). Has anyone been in the same situation?

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When you understand that your happiness is of the utmost importance you will stop doing things to seek approval from others.

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Whats up all?


Listen all I can say is some times breaking up is great motivation to do the things that you want to do... Look at it this way you got stuck into the gym your looking for chances to better yourself. I dont think it is to much of a big thing it is saying its for the ex. I do agree with Cali maybe you need to find what makes you tick and makes you happy. But being in gym and having hobbies is a great way to get over the ex.


Keep it up and enjoy life for you and you alone. :)


Big up all.

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