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Can't get over her...im dying!


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Ok, this is a LONG story so if you don't want to know details or background n stuff, you can skip to the last few paragraphs, it pretty much sums up what i need help with...please help me out guys, im dying!



So i was in a serious relationship with this girl for about 2 years, the first

year and a half was great, almost perfect, the last 6 months however was pretty bad...a little history: like i said the first about year and a half was good, then i got kind of tired of being with her, i mean i got tired of her always being at the door of every class i was at and meeting me at the next and always calling me and never left me alone, so i told her i didn't want that anymore, and she couldn't take it, she didn't want to break up and she was just going crazy calling me all the time crying and stuff....wellllllllll at the time see i thought i didn't want her anymore.....about a week later i realized omg what did i do???? So i called her back and said look i made a mistake, i thought thats what i wanted but its not, too late....she already was talking to this other guy, make it so bad she went to my graduation with this other guy and made out w/him that night....to make a long story short, we eventually talked things out and got back together, but i could tell she wasn't the same kind of person, she wasn't always on me and always calling and stuff like she used to, which is what i wanted again...i missed it i guess...


So after i broke up w/her and we got back together we were kind of rocky, and i guess its my fault b/c i kind of got her that way b/c i pushed her away by breaking up with her at first (what i wouldn't do to go back and just not be so stupid and stay with her, everything would be ok now and she would be how i liked her) so she started hangin out w/a few new friends...which straight up just turned her into a whore....she would always go out w/them and talk to guys and ended up going to these guys apartments almost everyday, it was horrible, so we were on and off and on the off weeks she would go mess around w/these guys at those apartments and just all kinds of stuff (except sex, we talked about that for hours and i just know somehow she didn't do that) so i started getting jealous and worried and i wouldn't forbid her to go out w/those friends, but i would try and get her to NOT go out w/them b/c it worried me, so she started to say i was controlling....


So the whole controlling thing turned her out pretty bad, she would always use that against me and break up w/me, go mess around w/a few guys then a week later, we'd talk it out and be back together...Wellllllllll it finally came to the point to where we talked it out and we changed a few things as far as how we deal with things, like instead of fighting and breaking up, we would just talk things out first and it made things alright, one of the guys from the apartments tried to make a move on her while me and her where together and she didn't let him so they were mad at her, so she wasn't going back over there, so i really had nothing to worry about...


During this "good time" she started wanting to see me more, and her parents wouldn't let her always come see me or go out and do things w/me so she started getting into arguments w/them and would get in big fights so she would come spend the night at my house so things were great, we almost were together 24-7 i was happy it was just about how it used to be back when we first got back together and she was happy from what she said and how she acted....so it got to the point to where she just wanted us to get an apartment together b/c she just absolutely didn't want to go home b/c of her parents....(by the way we're both 18, im out of high school shes a senior) so i got an application for an apartment, had everything set up and ready to go, we just had to turn it in and wait about 2 weeks and we would be moved in living together....


Soooooo one night when she was getting off of work she called and said she wanted to come over or see me and since i've been typing forever ill make this a lil less detailed, basically the only way she would be able to come over is if her parents came and talked to my mom, so while me and her where in my room talking about the new apartment her parents where talkin to my mom for like an hour and a half, so finally they came to the door of my room and said ya'll need to come in here we have some things we need to talk about, and i said no im not going, b/c me and catie are doing so well right now and i don't want anything to mess it up, and that would just be putting drama into everything and we just don't need it, so i kept refusing to go in there b/c all that was going to happen was they were going to talk bad about me and then talk bad about catie and how we shouldn't be doing what were doing (when we were on and off we would fight over the phone and it would piss her parents off)


sooooooo catie went in the living room and i stayed, she came back almost crying and started yelling at me about how i should have been in there w/her and that i let her take all the "****" and stuff like that, see at the time i didn't know it was that big of a deal if i were there or not, so i said wait catie whats going on, what did they tell you, talk to me...she grabbed her stuff and started to leave, so i said well at least call me tonight so we can talk about this...her parents answered for her and said shes not calling you tonight, and she didn't so the next morning i call her, and the first thing i said to her was look, i know i messed up last night, i should have went in the living room with you, your right im sorry at the time i didn't realize it was that big of a deal but now i do, im very very sorry....


Im scared thinking shes going to break up w/me again so i say catie were still together right?? she says no were not, i can't be with you anymore....so im thinkin here we go again......i ask why, she says b/c we're just not, "catie i didn't do anything worth breaking us up over we were about to move in together don't end it like this" and all she would say is sorry justin were just not together anymore, so i kept wanting to know a reason and all she would say is i hate you, i don't love you anymore, i don't want to talk to you leave me alone, your controlling, and just things like that....


Finally i got her to reason that if i just leave her alone for a few days to let her get her head on straight we would get back together that night....she said she was going to go out w/her friend and that when she got back she would call me and we would get back together, i asked if we could just go ahead and say we were together since it looks a lil suspicious that she wants to wait until after she got back from going out, but i made her promise she wouldn't do anything w/guys...(dunno if she kept it or not)


she calls that night like she said but i was out, so her phone call wakes me up the next morning, im thinking alright were about to get back together shes going to apoligize and things are going to be great again....ha......heres the conversation....


Catie: you can't call me anymore...

Justin: what? why..?

Catie: cuz i won't be here

Justin: you won't be here?...what do you mean you won't be here??

Catie: im moving w/my aunt and uncle to North Carolina

Justin: ......what...?

Catie: i wasn't going to call you

Justin: what do you mean your moving?

Catie: im leaving, im moving in with them...

Justin: why?? what for? i mean catie if you want more space ill give it to you

don't move out of state just b/c of this

Catie: im failing school here i need to get my things straight, and get you

out of my head

Justin: whats wrong w/me being in your head?? catie we were about to move

in together

Catie: i just need to focus on school

Justin: well are you going to call me when u get there?

Catie: no, im not allowed

Justin: are you coming back?

Catie: after school is over

Justin: catie...are you going to look for another guy up there

Catie: yeah probably....

Justin: ......

Catie: i gotta go

Justin: catie at least wait 5 minutes and talk to me b4 you leave, i love you

Catie: i can't, im leaving if you don't say bye im going to hang up...

Justin: wait catie seriously..

Catie: (hangs up the phone)


haven't heard from her since, its been about a month....


Im pretty much getting over the whole her not being here part, i mean its hard b/c we did soooooooo much together and spent soooooooo much time together, i mean just looking at everything around my room makes me think of her b/c we did something w/everything in here some how....the real thing though thats just killing me is the fact that i keep thinking of her with another guy....we were both virgins b4 we met each other, and thats a big thing i think, i mean she was my first i was hers, and now shes giving what she gave me 1st to some other guy? i mean aww man it kills, i keep telling myself just not to think about it, but i know shes messin around w/some no good punk ass up there that doesn't deserve half the things hes going to get from her, how do i stop thinking about it????

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