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Why Stalking Your Ex on FB is Harmful


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Hello LS friends,


I want to apologize in advance for not having much to contribute here lately. My love life has been the worst for as far back as I can remember. My new goal is to give myself a full 2 years, just me, because I went from an abusive relationship to a seemingly hopeful friendship/loving supportive relationship. It takes awhile to get to know someone. He pulled out all his ugly cards after I gave him myself and everything I had.


Ok so the post. I thought the whole fb stalking thing was harmless. Why did I do it? Loyal faithful people will not get into another relationship for at least 2 full months of grieving and mourning. I wanted to convince myself that he was the scum I thought. Through the FB stalking I found that he had caused an innocent young lady in the Phillipines to have feelings for him. Told her he loved her yada yada (liked and commented on her pics w all his charm blah blah).


I had been a month NC in recovery. I started my own relationship with this girl and convinced her to block him. We cried in each others arms so to speak. This whole emotional ordeal set me back.


Breakups are awful. Full of emotional pain that stays with you for a very long time and drains you. That energy just doesn't poof appear back out of nowhere. It take self work and finding closure, etc.


He has now blocked me but I think it's so he can still "spy" on me from time to time, which is why I did it, lol. I just like knowing what I'm in for or had invested in in case they want to be friends down the road.


Facebook just makes things harder. I'm 43 years old. We didn't have all that. When the relationship dissolved that was that. I wasn't in your face constantly. That did really hurt me to see that. I lost some dignity and felt like I wasn't good enough. I now know he is also a narcissist.


Narcissist are not always very good looking people. They are just selfish people in it for what they can and there are different degrees of it. This particular person is sick from suboxone and zanax also couple with a midlife crisis. And he doesn't have much to offer anymore and is not as desirable as he once was. I do remember when he was so good looking I had to look away. I was afraid of him because he was just so.. Idk. This is going back though when I was 15 and he was 19. He used to drink with my neighbor and live with a christian lady and her kids. Anyway. Sorry this is so long and if anyone took the time. Thank you.


I hope to be feeling better soon and able to contribute in a positive way to the LS community as I used to enjoy doing before. And thank you to all that have helped me to pick up the pieces of my broken heart once again.

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hang in there an be patient you will be fine , you will meet someone so nice you will forget all about this other one , believe me !

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hang in there an be patient you will be fine , you will meet someone so nice you will forget all about this other one , believe me !


Thank you for your kind words! :love:

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I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I think Facebook and most social media is rotten to the core.


Not as far as I am concerned (minority).. I feel that it is rotten to the core. Knowing that is liberating because I understand why I feel all these toxic emotions sometimes after 4-5 posts. Much of it is lies and "hey look at me."


I could go on but u get what I mean :rolleyes:

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