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8 months later


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If you had told me ~8 months ago, that today I would be feeling similar feelings of depression and sadness, I would have believed you. It was the first ever breakup I had, with a girl I loved immensely. I thought the world of her.


The fortunate thing is, that today I am sad, I am depressed, and I just want to go back to a time where things between us are normal again.


Fortunate? How is spending the best part of a year miserable 'fortunate'? Well, the sadness that I feel today isn't because of the girl that dumped me all those months ago, it is because of the ending of a short relationship with somebody else.


(If you are not following me, my ex dumped me 8 ish months ago, I followed all the advice on this website, and eventually healed and started dating again. I recently met this new girl, had a few short weeks of fun, found out that she led me on immensely and didn't want any relationship or anything, now I feel like cr*p).


So that's it see, we spend our time post breakup, wondering how on earth you can survive without that special someone in our lives. We wake up each day with that sour taste of regret in our mouths, because we no longer get to wake up with the best person God created. The reality of course is much different. That ex-partner you are upset about, is just a person. The new partner you eventually get, is just a person. The next 10 partners you have, are just people. The key to a successful relationship isn't finding someone amazing and spending time with them, It is finding someone and have and spending amazing time with them.


This post is mainly designed to give hope. I was as upset and depressed as you could get after my ex dumped me, and a few weeks ago I met a girl who was better in many ways to her. The next girl will be even better still. You will get better, there is the right person out there, someone who will not hurt or reject you, but unfortunately part of the process of finding this person, we must endure the pain of losing wrong people. The best part of any heartbreak is learning how to deal with it in the future, because as harsh as it is, it will happen to most of us again some point. The pain does stop and the wound does heal. It makes you an emotionally stronger person. Without the pain of my first break up, I would not be able to deal with this rejection anywhere near as well as I would without it. Stay strong, and remember, no contact.


I hope this helps, any questions please feel free to ask :)

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It is pretty obvious that if you truly loved someone, you will never happen to forget at all. Its just you need to find something else to focus on, you don't feel depressed anymore once you are more concerned about something else.

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