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Nearly 8 months on...

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And I feel so good! It dawned on me the other day that I'm genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time. This break up has really helped me to discover the real me, the real me who was so unsatisfied with life for a long time.


It feels so good to be free of her....sometimes I see pictures of her pop up on my Facebook as we have mutual friends.....and I feel nothing...I'm not even attracted to her anymore.


I'm writing this thread not to boast, but remind everyone that you will be happy again.


Things that helped me:


I took up running, this helped me to rid my body of the anger & frustration I was feeling, plus you get the endorphin high during/after you run. Also feeling yourself getting fitter/setting yourself new challenges and beating them is such a great self esteem boost.



I starting reading Wayne Dyer books/listening to his lectures. This might not appeal to everyone but he appeals to my spiritual nature and helps me see the bigger picture.


I made an effort to increase my social circle/hang out with old friends again. This is something that I has neglected for a long time, but having events on with mates it's such a great way to start enjoying your life and meeting new people.


I worked more, not only are you occupying yourself but you're bringing more money in...can't be bad!


Yes I still think about her, maybe once a day. But it's not painful, it's just slight frustration that she threw away something that was really good, but I soon let go of the feeling and get on with my day, recognising that I was 50% of what was so good and I'll be 50% of my next relationship.


Keep going, you're going to be just fine. Get out there and do the things you've always wanted to do, it's so cliched but it's true. I know it takes a lot of energy but it's so rewarding building a new improved life for yourself.

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Awesome! Hopefully some of our new posters read this. Like you, I'm getting to that point too. I still have a little way to go and I'm sure I'll get knocked down a bit when I finally see her with her new guy, but I also know I'll get back up.


Here's to you friend... (hat tip)


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