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After 6 months NC he breaks it...


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I have him blocked on my phone and email. But he cyberstalked me...and then sent me a LinkenIn add request! I never use my LinkedIn anymore...used to use it for a former occupation I had...he kows this. He viewed my profile (hadn't changed) and sent me a request to add him to my contacts. Seeing his name pop up in my email inbox...sent me into a panic attack from hell...it was awful. I was shaking and crying, felt like I was going to throw up...I called and spoke to some friends I made on another forum...if not for them...I am afraid I would have ended up in a really bad place...like the psych ward. Ugh...


But I survived...but have been set back in the grief cycle again...and I was dong so well...I hate him....:(

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Simon Phoenix

Good thing is that you didn't break your No Contact. No Contact is an individual thing, not a team thing. Just block the request, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.

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Are you sure he sent it? I guess viewing your profile beforehand was a bit of a giveaway. The reason I ask if you are sure is that I'm sure Linkedin sends out automated messages to everyone on that person's contact list. Maybe this was an automated one.

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