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Bringing some insight into the "obesity" thing...sad but needs to be read!


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I came across on this list someone had made honestly about how they feel. I won't name the site but for all you "fat bashers" you should stop and see how people really feel inside....they don't want to be like this and it isn't right to make them feel worse than they clearly do. I am NOT starting this as a debate only to share some insight that I came across and feel is worth sharing!


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Wow, that is some major low self-esteem problem! I know some heavy women that do not feel like that AT ALL! There are many beautiful heavy women out there. If someone feels this bad about themself maybe they should find profesional help.

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I've seen this list before. It's very powerful for people who understand what obesity REALLY is, but for those who don't -- they attribute it to other things and tend to belittle the whole list.


Thanks for posting it.


An obese person does not necessarily start out with low self-esteem, neither is obesity always a symptom of low self-esteem. But, being treated like this on a constant basis can, will, and does, tear apart a obese person's confidenence in themselves and their self-esteem and self-respect. Many people see obesity as ONLY the fat that is on the body, but that is only a surface problem. The effect of obesity on the individual's mental status, and in every aspect of day-to-day living is devastating.


People don't wake up one day obese. The disease takes YEARS and often its the constant diets that propel a person into obesity. There are many factors, such as genetics, environment and up-bringing, and family that contribute to obesity. It's not just a lazy person's disease.

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Originally posted by Touch_of_Naughtiness

Wow, that is some major low self-esteem problem! I know some heavy women that do not feel like that AT ALL! There are many beautiful heavy women out there. If someone feels this bad about themself maybe they should find profesional help.



I'm not trying to put you down or anything, but I wonder if the heavy people that you know really do feel like some of the items on the list, but they won't voice it because its too painful?


My family thinking that it is okay the way I am, but inside, I am breaking and hurting so much that I do not even want to get out of bed.


As up-beat and happy and active as my sister-in-law was, I know that she suffered some of the things on the list. She couldn't fit into amusement park rides. She couldn't get through turnstiles and it was embarassing. She did not have a wardrobe that reflected any part of her personality or tastes. Her wardrobe reflected only what she could find in the store or in a catalog.

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Thanks for posting it.


You're welcome. That's all I wanted to get across is that so many people see it as a physical choice that someone is this way and as only a surface "lose weight" issue. It is so much more. My sister too is obese and it bothers me to have to see the mean looks of disgust she gets, honestly she has tried all that is possible to try and lose weight and nothing's helped at all. I feel for her as does the rest of our family. Yes growing up she sometimes over ate but she only ate what the rest of us did and ended up probably 3X the size of us and no one can understand why. She didn't "sneak" or "hoard" food or become "lazy" and for all those who believe this to be the reason people are obese "YOU're WRONG!!!"


Also she gives off the vibe of "I'm happy, I'm okay" but inside she struggles to. Being 5'2 and 300+ pounds takes it toll on her emotionally!! She has NO co-morbities but deals with the emotional problems non-stop!


Since I found this list and she said she identifies with a lot of it I thought it would be beneficial. So many people group the "fat" and the person in one thought, they don't seem to realize how hard it is emotionally to be made to feel like the scum of the earth for something you can't "just change"



***Being a member of the only minority group that it is still politically correct to ridicule, abuse, and discriminate against.


This says it all!

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I posted on the other one also. I agree with Hokey I'm glad that you posted this....I am clearly a bbw and to a small extent can relate to this, I know I get tired of people looking at me funny just because I'm not a size 6! It gets old fast and also this I can relate to......

***Always wondering if my blouses and jackets are long enough to cover my stomach.



Good post.. :bunny: I'm sure there are plenty of people out here than can relate to this even if they are too ashamed to confess it! :)

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No one has "bashed" anyone on here for a bit that I know of either. It was kind of a "branch out" of the other "fat bashing" thread. I just wanted to share the pain of someone who's on the end of being "bashed" constantly by stares, ect. This wasn't directed at anyone on here at all or even meant to be towards anything said on here. And with that being said, since the other thread has been "locked" I'm assuming the mods want this issue to end so I don't expect anymore responses nor am I trying to start a debate. :laugh:

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How's this for fat bashing:


From one ex-330lb slob to all the other fat bastards out there: Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop blaming others for ridiculing you for what YOU did to YOURSELF, and get up off of your fat arse and do something about it. :mad:

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How about...just because you lost the weight NOT everyone can do the same...maybe WLS is the option for some but not all and if you did it on your own yee ha for you! Some one needs to smack you down off your high horse a bit!

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Them would have ta catch me first, 'coz me an' mah horse is dayhum fit an' healthy....Yeeeehaaaaaw! :p

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