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Trigger after trigger


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Horrible amount of triggers tonight.


Not sure whether I want to actually type out any of it, get it out, or whether I am just completely lacking patience to even bother.



I'm alarmed by how angry I am. After getting home I didn't quite know how to deal with my anger, I got in my car and played some Lamb of God. Kept slowly turning the volume up louder and louder. Wanted to feel the bass shake my soul. Wanted my heart to feel so shaken that I wouldn't feel anything else. Wanted Randy F*cking Blythe's scream to hit my stomach so hard that I forgot about anything else.... pretty sure I blew out my car's subwoofer.



No way I can go to sleep like this. Now laying in bed with my headphones on. Hoping to tire myself out...

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I hope you fell asleep eventually. I can relate to being surrounded by triggers. My thoughts would turn at a mention of my ex's career-area, hometown, alma-maters, favorite bands, type of car, favorite foods, etc, etc. Sadly, those aren't things I can't put in a box and shove in a corner.


There are plenty of ways to deal with your anger. I'm pretty sure I've read posts where you discussed having a physically-demanding job, and how you would hit the gym after that. Did you exercise after work yesterday? Could you go for a run listening to music as opposed to driving? If you want to lose that anger, use that anger.

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When I was initially broken up with, I'd say I was much in your same boat - I couldn't find any degree of consolation in anything but heavy or dark music. It didn't necessarily make me feel better, so much as it seemed to empathize with how I was feeling.


The only thing that'll truly make you feel better is time, but cranking **** like Lamb of God when you get angsty isn't a bad place to start, to be honest. I've long been a superfan of Converge's "Jane Doe," and my endearment towards it increased exponentially when I realized that it's lyrically a pretty damn spiteful post-breakup album. I'm not sure how far your taste in music extends, but I'd also recommend Portishead's Self-Titled, Xiu Xiu's "Knife Play," and Me And Him Call It Us' "Loss." Each of these have had a pivotal role in my own recovery, despite being very diverse on the musical spectrum. The key is to listen to music more angry or depressive than you are, I'm serious ;)

Edited by vascularity
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Have you considered kick boxing or boxing? :) It's a wonderful outlet. Gets you in shape, gets you some muscles, you learn a few defense moves and you get to release anger and imagine punching your ex over and over again

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hmm based on the way she has described her exes, it seems like she doesn't find any decent enough guys.



Which is ANNOYING for her I guess, since she is so pretty and awesome:)



Hmmm just play loud music. It is way better than texting them or showing them anger, either through them or.. some other means you could try to get them back with haha.

To help me deal, I sometimes imaging myself looking GREAT, losing weight and then bumping into my exes who look worse for ware.


I don't have any angry thoughts to be honest, though I have reasons to.



Is there anything particularly bad someone did that you just can't shake?



Last guy disappeared after claiming he was head over heals falling in love with me after a week or two, and after he promised to NEVER Just disappear (and got me to promise him a whole bunch of crap).


I am not angry at all. I am intrigued to know what this someone did to you to anger you?

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