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Sending longwinded dramatic e-mail to ex: A DON'T.


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I had not spoken to my ex of 3 years in 3 months although he still sends me crumbs; texts, cryptic voicemails- which I ignore. He dumped me in the meanest way. Just cruel. Ugh. Which is why I think I'm having a hard time getting over this. I lay in my bed sometimes seething with hatred and those are the times that are the worst. The hatred.


After he plastered pics of him with some new girl online, which is just unnecessarily common and low, knowing how bad that would hurt somebody that stood by his woman beating side for 3 freakinG YEARS!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!! Why do people do that to each other?! Is is THAT important for your ex to see you with somebody you have known for 5 freaking minutes and are probably going to have sex with?! Where's the empathy? Why the cruelty!!?? God! Get some integrity! Some class! :mad:


Oh man I'm sorry I'm getting off topic...


Anyway, he called me the next day after he put his pic up with her and I didn't answer. But then I got so curious that I replied to an email that he had sent me 2 weeks earlier telling me how much his life sucked now and he missed me (yeah right..). So I ended up sending him this long winded dramatic e-mail about how much he hurt me and that I hoped whoever dumped him in the future was kinder about it than he was to me and what did he find another knife to stick in my back and how I was ashamed of him and shocked by some of the weird things he did and I hit send feeling all proud of myself and telling myself I'll get closure and blahbadeeblah and you know what he did????????


He sent me a text 5 days later saying "Thanks for the e-mail. It was nice."






I have been kicking myself in the ass ever since. I coulda just rode off into the sunset by never speaking to him again and ignoring him when he fed me crumbs and tried to mind**** me but NOOOOOoo I actually send him an e-mail that he probably never even read because it was too long and sounded like some Harlequin romance and now he probably thinks it was me obsessively loving him and hanging on while he has sex with his new girl.


God, I'm an idiot.


Don't do this! It won't help. LOL

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Sorry to hear about that, thanks for the tip :(


It definitely doesn't sound like you have lost a particularly good natured person there though, you will ultimately move on and he will be the one regretting his decision.

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nice choice of words. Mind**** describes this **** pretty well. I am sure he read it, if only to boost his ego. I have noted your advice for the day my ex contacts me again.

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Yep been there and experienced that feeling here too lol in the end the small amount of relief I felt for pouring out my feelings was squashed when he called me a week later pretending he didn't get the email and trying to drop me some more crumbs... the same crumbs he keeps offering as well as the "friendship" bull**** game which now i see as him needing an obvious ego boost.


That said I haven't heard from him for a couple of days, ever since our last talk when I told him I dont sleep with exs and he was barking up the wrong tree every time he tried to push the conversation in that direction.. yeah i am a little hurt to know he was playing the friendship card really looking for some action.. but also not surprised, its another tick in the "he is such a douche" box..


Thank you for sharing your experience, I can agree its not worth the effort to email "that long drawn out emotional email"


sounds like we both know how to pick them huh lol :)

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Yeah, it's really better to never let the ex know how much their leaving affected you. Cry about it with trusted friends (not mutual friends, the ex will find out!), family, write long-winded entries in journals, blast angry music really loudly, etc. but never, ever let the ex know. The ex can assume all they want and even though he/she might be right, who's going to tell them he's/she's right?


I'm sorry for your pain. :( Now you know he doesn't really care for sure. You're sticking to NC now, right?

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