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So many questions...and no answers.


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My girlfriend and I haven't even officially broken up. But I just feel lost. We barely spoke at all today, in fact half the day was in silence. I barely have gone half a day without hearing/speaking to her and it's driving me insane. I've tried to keep myself busy doing things I love today and no matter how time-consuming and how much concentration the task takes, she is always there in my head.


I don't have any idea what she is doing, and I think that is probably the worst feeling. They say ignorance is bliss, but I beg to differ. I have decided I am not going to message her or call her first, but the urge is so strong. I feel our relationship is over and I have no idea why. So many questions...and no answers.

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Sadly that's often how these things happen. I too have so many things I want/wanted to say to my ex. I feel it's too late now. You do sometimes just have to accept that it's over and you may never know the true reasons.


Eventually time will help heal your wounds and you'll be in a better place, but for now, just accept how you feel and understand that it's perfectly normal to feel this way. We all do. We all put the ex on a pedestal and believe them to be the greatest thing in our lives, so when things end, it's hard to change that opinion. You can see the negatives, but all you can focus on is the positives. That will change over time.


Try to think back before you met her. Before you even knew her. How were you back then, what did you do, who did you see. Aim to get back to that place and focus on you...

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