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Pain and Love ... hand in hand .. one couple I wish would break up!

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Loving someone is the single greatest emotion I believe we can feel for one another. It is the most vulnerable we become when we completely and utterly give all of ourselves to another. The happiness we feel when this is recipricated is amazing. We feel invincible and we could fly to the highest mountain to shout of our love. We would give up everything just to be able to spend another second with them.


Why ohh why then do we have to feel the pain. I know this is a stupid question and I know the answer but I still wonder why. Why couldn't it be normal for use to fall in love with multiple people without have to go through this excruiciating pain in between. I guess if we were able to then we wouldn't think it was so amazing. I still hate the pain. i don't understand it. If the other person in our life doesn't want our love anymore why do we continue to love? The sad thing is it isn't even something you get better at over time.


Ohh well to all those in pain the best antidote is love. Love your family, Love your friends and Love Yourself!


Thanks for reading,

From one sad WindDrifter....

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It has to be that way, humans are biologically geared up for pro-creation, everything we do is about carryimg on the human race, we're all pawns in the wider game, actors on a stage, If we didn't feel the pain, we wouldn't be so fearful of it, this in turn would encourage irresponsible behaviour, we'd be able to up and leave at will, this is certainley not the best behaviour to create a loving stable enviroment for children (see how it all fits in?)

Can you imagine a world in which children grow up with that level of instability? so in a way, pain is ironically one of the best things. It encourages us not to just leave so easily, its not good for the children, they need the best start in life to grow up into stable adults, so it can start all over again. Ying and Yang, there is not a single example of something positive NOT having a negative and visa versa.

It sort of enters the realms of philosophy.



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