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Should I apologize to my ex

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Basically we were both immature and it didnt work after 10 months. I truly liked her, there was just immaturity issues for the both of (this was 3-4 years ago)


When we broke up her dad was in the hospital dying. Well I didnt believe he was actually ill. I figured she was trying to get sympathy from me, because I had caught her in a few lies.


Well as he was laying there passing away me and her would basically argue messaging on the phone


I'm ashamed of it now and wish I had let her have her time but I was being 100% selfish


After he passed she went on a huge tirade against me saying that I was selfish by trying to fight with her as her dad laid there dying. She blocked me and we didnt talk for 2 years


In July last year she messaged me on Facebook asking how I had been. We exchanged life updates (shes now married with a kid)and we have actually stayed in contact


In fact last week we even went out to lunch (there's no feelings there between us, and her husband knew she was going). I feel like we have both matured and having a somewhat of a friendship isnt that bad.


I keep thinking I should really apologize to her about being selfish as her dad was dying but I feel that if I do bring it up it will bring back old wounds.


Should I apologize or maybe should I wait for her to say something about her dad and then say something like " hey I am really sorry about your dad"

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Since you are back in contact I do think you should apologize but not over FB messenger. Actually speak to her.

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then leave it at that.



You do understand that "being friends" is a euphemism for not being enemies. It does not mean you will talk frequently or confide in each other. It means that if you bump into one another nobody will be rude.

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