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Dumped for someone he just met

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Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I last posted here. But I'm going through a really rough breakup and need some help being able to cope. My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me a few weeks ago, and one week after we broke up he is dating a new girl. I felt really heartbroken- and it turns out the girl was seeing one of my exes friends before they got together. My exes friend was really hurt by what my ex and she did- especially because they met a week before him and I broke up. Apparently she isn't a nice girl (she is VERY pretty though) but my exes friend said she would create a lot of drama constantly and she is very vain.


I am just so hurt that my boyfriend of 2 years would break up with me for someone he had just met- all because she is prettier than me. (She is, not being self sabotaging but she is very beautiful). I didn't even see signs- my ex was discussing leaving more of his belongings in my new place so he could spend more nights at my place. It really hurts to think I didn't mean that much to him. My ex was also the one to tell me he is dating a new girl and how beautiful she is, how they are so great together and was texting her in front of me all smiley. I didn't ask him anything- he bought this all up on his own. I actually told him "I don't need to hear this" but he said I should know and he wants to "clear the air".


I constantly see him in school and it's killing me. How do I get over him? I've deleted him from all social media but I still have classes with him. He was my first love, first everything and I feel crushed.

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It's doubly hard when you have to see them in school. Try to sit out of line of sight . . . in front where you can't see him. Bury your head in a book if you have to. Hey, maybe your grades will improve too. Get some help from your friends to shield you from him too.



Then start counting the days 'til graduation.

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Ugh. change schools. Or at least avoid him at all costs.



I knew a girl in school who dated a really hot guy for like 3 years. A new freshman moves into school ( and she's freaking gorgeous), the guy dumps his long term ride or die gf for the new girl. Biggest mistake he made in life. Fast forward a few years, the dumped gf moves on,graduates, gets an amazing job and has an amazing life. The old BF ends up not living up to anything much, and hot girl ends up in soft porn.


Ya see.

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I am so sorry you are hurting girl.


How did he tell you he is dating her? You should be in no contact with him. I would go as far as blocking so he can't look into your life at all, block his number if you haven't. Tell your friends that you don't want to know anything about him or his love life. As far as you are concerned, he doesn't exist.


Avoid him at all costs. If he walks a specific way to class, try another route, later/earlier bus if you normally take the same one, etc. When you see him, no waving/smiling in the hall. Master the poker face. And please do not be friends, at least not when your in love with him.


If he tries to make conversation say "I don't wish to speak with you", if he asks why say "you broke up with me, so it means we are no longer a part of each others lives." And if he wants to be friends say "no" and walk away.


Learn to love reading and keep your face in a book. Channel your sadness into getting good grades, or joining a new club. It maybe hard to avoid him in class, but try to do so the best way you can, like if you have partners for a group project for example.


Hopefully you will become indifferent to his presence so that school doesn't feel as awkward and you don't have to do this for long, but we are all different.


Trust me this will save you a whole ton of hurt. He really hasn't had time to process the break up, but when the high of a new relationship comes down, and he sees her true colors under all the "pretty", he might try to worm his way back into your life. If he doesn't, you are better off without the drama I assure you.


You will heal, head to college/work, meet new people, heck and more likely than not a new bf.


Wish you the best dear.

Edited by HiCrunchy
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