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It's a blessing when an ex leaves you alone

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I read stories about dumpees wanting to talk to their ex and can't stand them ignoring them. It's a blessing , would you rather them string you along, make you believe things that are not true, give you false hope...and you'll believe anything to feed ur addiction .

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It's usually not the X that's the problem. It's the inability to cut all contact and move on that's the issue. An X has zero control over anyone unless it's allowed.

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People who still follow what they're doing imagine everything is aimed at them and that gives them false hope. I kind of had to keep seeing my exes unless I wanted to move (which one of them did finally do). I resolved my feelings for the one who did move before he moved, but only because the next one was right on his heels. I shudder to think what I'd learn if I had a peephole into the other one's life, even though he's married with kids.


The goal is to stop having the intense feelings and accept it wasn't a match, of course, but this seems hard for everyone including myself.

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I broke up with my ex and we have been separated for 3 months. After 1 month I broke NC and mentioned about reconciling but after a sleep on it and some words from my Mum, I called it off. I think a moment of loneliness and weakness got the better of me. After that I went NC, removed her off FB and sent no more messages, she sent the last one.


I haven't heard a peep from her since. But that's because she thinks I will go back to her and she wants that power, and believe me, if she messaged me asked for me back I would do in a heartbeat.


I broke up with her because I didn't love her anymore after how she treated me, but I'm sad and lonely and would do anything to end up back with her, even though in my heart, I know it wouldn't work long term. My mind is so screwed.


She is doing me a favour, big time.

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