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For the heartbroken...


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I posted on this thread after my 7-year relationship came to an end. Almost 2 months ago. At that time I felt my world was taken from me. Nightmares, crying, begging and pleading. I felt I would have to go on antidepressants because I would never feel whole again. This was 2 months ago. I still cry. However I am no longer lost. I am no longer confused. I don't think about what I did wrong, because he also did wrong. Any relationship has problems and fights. But I found myself. Through no man. And especially one who couldn't see my worth. I miss him every single day. No contact protected me from pain. And I can only imagine how much better this will get. I take it day by day. Stay busy. It will get better once you see that there is no man in this entire world worth chasing. One day someone will come into your life, and you'll thank god for paving the way. But no until you really see your own worth. Not until you accept what is and what can not be changed. My ex texts me and I see the manipulative mind games that I was so blind to all these years. He will waste no more time of mine. He is not the same person. Nor am I. I promise it will all get better: thank you to everyone who did reach out when I felt so lost. It's okay to cry it's okay to miss, but never okay to belittle yourself. Take care

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