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short term relationship blues...

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I met a girl we are both in our 30's her 31 me 38 and seemingly everything went well it was a wonderful summer romance that had great potential.I feel we just spent to much time together. Aside from a few minor bumps and differences she ended it shy of 2 months. Basically she was going back to school to finish her masters degree and said she she could not do a relationship and school, that her priorities have shifted and she did not want to pursue this romantically. I accepted and did ask if she would think about it and dont throw away a good thing she said can we please be friends I did not answer and she declined getting back together.It was all very confusing the way it went down it was a typical hot to cold like overnight type of thing. So for a week after she had been txting me everyday meaningless hello's or have a nice day txts which towards the end of the week i got very aggravated with the txts. I txt her and said I am a person too I have feelings too and these meaningless txts arent working for me and i cant do this.It just seemed a bit to soon for that kind of txt everyday especially after she dumped me. She responded with so i guess this relationship is really over and she added would i like to meet. I met her and she basically told me what she told me the previous week so basically she dumped me again. I was emotional at the time and told her dont contact me anymore unless it has do with her wanting to get back together. I realize that it was a snap decision in the moment. She did want to remain friends we had a great time aside from the relationship. I am wondering if a friendship is salvageable but my gut is kinda saying let go and do not contact her and ask for friendship. I am really hurt over this because I liked her so much and really enjoyed her company and I really miss her...

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I have recently been through a very similar thing, including the week of messaging 'as friends', though in her case the break up was down to work demands rather than studies. The reasons they have given us are irrelevant, it boils down to the fact that we want a romantic relationship and they do not. The only thing we can do in this case in order to limit the amount of pain we suffer, is to initiate no contact.


Do not trick yourself into thinking that friendship is a possibility. It isn't, at least not right now anyway. Until you can picture them with another man and not feel any pain, you are not ready for friendship. NC is the only realistic way to go, I suggest you read the NC guide on this forum, it has some good tips.

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