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Heartbroken- it's really over and I'm lost :-(

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So last week I and my now ex got into a huge fight that lead to a breakup over a girl he admitted to liking and being confused about that he only knew for a week. It was a big blow out and I did change my number. He turned everything around on me in the fight.


I went a week NC. last night we talked for a few hours. He's with her now. He got with her right after our split. He says he's a liar and I deserve better. He says he cares about me and means me no harm. He says she makes him feel alive. He said it's not my fault that this just happened and he really likes her. It hurts. They are sleeping together now and it took us a month to sleep together. It's like everything is a faster pace for then. It's like he cared about me and wanted me one week then her the next.


I did not know what to do or say. I told him I loved him. I wanted him to be happy. I wished him all the best and hoped everything worked out for him. Then said good night smiley face. I think I ended it good and classy.


I know I shouldn't want him back but I think he's really gone. I still am in shock on what happened. A girl he briefly knew a week. I think he wanted a reason to end it so he could be with her. It sucks and it hurts. I'm going no contact.


I deleted all his numbers and messages. I'm so hurt.


Do you think I ended it well? Any thoughts?


Thanks for the advice and support.

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Yes. They met in the welding class I helped get him into.


Then I think he mentally and emotionally checked out of your relationship a long time ago. If he's known her only a week and already decided to break it off with you and date her, this break-up had probably been coming for a while. He saw her as the opportunity to get out.


What did he mean when he said he's a liar? What was he lying about? And how do you know he's already sleeping with her?


In any case, yes, you did well by deleting his numbers and messages. You need to cut any ties you possibly can to help yourself heal.

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Ended it well? There's no such thing. You can only hope to avoid ending it horribly. Which you did: nobody got arrested, nothing got set on fire, nobody's body part got cut off. You handled a very emotional situation as best as it could be.


Now here's the real hard part--let that be the ending. Don't look back, don't think that you can make it better by just doing this one thing, just let that be the end.

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