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If it's done than move on right? Leave me alone!

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I posted a thread feels like years ago my bf and I had split up three weeks ago and I had a mc. He never asked if I was ok or even cared. I find out that he is calling my friend who is a hair dresser and getting hair cuts and phoning her at home? If you hated dating me so much than stay out of my life forever do not call my friends do not stop by to see them quit working at the same place really **** off! He honestly thinks that he can have a friendship with them? I am pissed off and told my friend that she should not talk to him anymore! I can't help but think that she is holding stuff back from me and this is making me crazy! Why is he doing this?

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OK..... Calm down, there's no need to start thinking your friend is holding things from you. Also, you cannot tell someone what to do. It seems that you're still hurt by what this guy did to you, how about you tell your friend that, instead of telling her what she cannot do!

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