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Should I take antidepressant?

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Hi guys,


I had a break up couple of months back, I'm maintaining strict NC for more than a month.


I still think of her and having mild depression.


I had consulted a doctor and he prescribed me Anti depressant which i took for 1 day. I couldn't continue it as I was scared of the side effects which I came to know when I googled.


Now some days are better some days are worse. In a week ill be happy for 2 days and rest 5 days i'm depressed weekends are worse.


I go to gym in the evening, post work after that ill be all good and happy but in the morning i feel hard to get out of bed and do my work..


Is it a good idea to take the medication or shall i wait for some more time for it to heal naturally..

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Talk to your Doctor about the side-effects. Discuss other possible remedies...


Investigate more natural remedies, and help yourself by remaining hydrated, and walking briskly as much as possible, because walking releases 'feel good' endorphins....

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i'm taking Prozac daily and it's calmed down my anxiety, i'm not half as upset as I used to be. I used to think about my ex 24/7 but now I probably think of her for 5 mins out of every hour and I can concentrate on work or whatever is infront of me. before i'd be in a room full of people and i'd be extremely quiet because in my mind I was thinking about my ex.. now I can concentrate on the conversations and involve myself.


I'd say Prozac has helped bring me back to life. got me out of bed feeling sorry for myself.. maybe it wasn't Prozac maybe the fact I went to the doctors for help and came on love shack for advice proved to myself that i wanted to improve my life rather than cry over my ex daily. I started socializing away from our social circle and made new more trustable friends and there's a new girl i quite like who has invited me out for drinks tomorrow night ( even though you're not meant to drink on anti depressants i don't think i still do and feel good) i'm quite nervous about it because i haven't really had to flirt or go on a date or worry that i'll make a fool of myself in a while.. and now all these thoughts are consuming my brain rather than ' my ex is cuddled up to my friend whilst i'm sulking alone in my bedroom rotting away'


don't get me wrong i still have days where i get upset and i'm sure if i see or hear from her again the anti depressants won't stop me getting sad or thinking about her.. but rather than feeling depressed and hopeless and miserable constantly. i have a bit of motivation now.


Like i said it's hard to put it down to anti depressants helping me out a bit.. maybe it's the fact i helped myself.. maybe it's the fact i have plans for the weekend.. maybe it's the new girl making me feel good about myself.. maybe new social circle.


but i'd definitely recommend anti depressants as my life didn't feel worth living 2 months ago. i went into a real depressed hole that was hard to get out of. i was pushing people away and people were getting sick of me constantly talking about my ex or not talking at all or caring about them.


the only negative thing I've experienced is I've completely lost my sex drive and i sleep about 10 hours a night.

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Calgary. I couldn help but laugh at the last sentence you wrote!


I take 20 mg Celexa which is a low dose and seems to have helped. My sex drive is somewhat down but i can still perform and i do sleep more but on the whole im happy about taking them. I think your sex drive will come back. Dont worry. Cav

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ive taken lexapro before,pretty good. i think most drs are willing to perscribe that bc of the low sideaffects.

i started taking paxil a few weeks ago but it made me dizzy, forgetful, less motivated confused and my stomach hurt. so i stopped it.

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I was prescribed Sertraline about a month ago. Had some nausea in the first week or so. After 3 weeks I started to feel really down, crying more than ever, "monkey mind" and feeling that life wasn't worth living. I don't know if this was due to the tablets or just me having a particularly bad spell, but I decided to stop taking them. It's 5 days since I took the last one. Am feeling a lot more positive, haven't cried for 3 days( that's major for me) and am almost looking forward to certain things again. I have had no side effects of stopping the tablets either, but then I had only been taking them 3 weeks. I wouldn't advise anyone to stop taking prescribed meds without checking with their doctor first .


Like I said.... I have no way of knowing if its stopping the pills that's helped, or just me starting to finally accept what's happened and trying to move on.

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really hope so! I've only been taking it 3 weeks but I already feel so much better! really hope It comes back though, haven't really needed it with not having interest in anybody else! but i'm going out for drinks with a new girl tomorrow night and I don't want to friend zone myself haha.

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I go to gym in the evening, post work after that ill be all good and happy but in the morning i feel hard to get out of bed and do my work...


Are you able to work out in the morning instead? I went through a bad breakup in December and tried Prozac for a couple of weeks before quitting. Didn't give it enough time to kick in, but decided I was going to snap out of my depression on my own through exercise and changing my diet (to paleo). This worked wonders! I am a firm believer in the positive correlation between exercise and the mind; it seems like you are too since you are able to recognize the after effects of your evening workouts. You should read the book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. There's a chapter in there about exercise and depression.

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Feelin Frisky

One size anti-depressants don't fit all. But as a rule in the late 80's the nature of them changed for the better in revolutionary ways. They no longer worked on your central system to medicate away the symptoms of bad feelings but instead worked "up stream" in the mind on the causes of such things as obsession, compulsion, circular thought patterns, social anxiety and temperament. I took them myself after a painful breakup with a complicated but sexy and beautiful women with a serious complex that I was not fit to handle. I was amazed by the results. But you have to expected that these are not "happy pills" like the old ones that user to blanket medicate you CNS with sedation. These new medications were very subtle and as long as you didn't mess up the chance with recreational drugs, over time you notice very positive small positive changes in your behavior and demeanor. You need to give them a month at least to show you what they can do. It's up to you to sort those out and build on what you learn. They are truly remarkable. Be aware however that people often confuse anti-depressants (ADs) the with anti-psychotics (APs) which are given to agitated mentally ill which cause side effects people with biases against medication then mis-project on to anti-depressants users instead of psychotics. The worst anti-depressants do is make it hard to cum but they don't kill your wood or your want, they just make it harder to cum. APs on the other hand kill libido, kill wood, cause you to drool. Stick with the AD, it could give you a whole new life. The other stuff (APs) are not even relevant, They are for out of control nuts

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It's been interesting reading about the antidepressants. I've been struggling for years with mild depression but BU have of course made it worse. I still winder if I should be on one. My doctor prescribed Prozac for me. I'm thinking about trying it in a low dosage. I'm not seriously depressed but I get to the point where I have low motivation. I'm not excited about things in life. I wonder if it'll make much of a difference. Some of the posts are promising though. It sounds like it can help. I'm worried about losing my sex drive and if that's the case I won't take it.

For the OP I'd wait until you're over your ex before taking it just my opinion. It's probably more about the BU than a condition. Of course if it's bad enough maybe it'd help. It's hard to know maybe discuss with your doctor more. Good luck

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