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Its been about six days now of NC and ive been doing a lot of reflecting on my used to be relationship. I wonder to myself did this person even truly like me not on a sexual level but just as another person. did they find me interesting. did they really enjoy spending time with me or was that a put on too? When you are in a relatiinship based on deception it makes you question everything you ever shared together. what were their motuvations? Who were they really? its kind of like playing back the past and seeing it from a whole different view.

If i could have one question answered it would be did they really like me as a person or even care to know me as a person for the sake of knowing me. id like to think so but even that i dont know.

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I know how you feel! I feel the same way. This is part of the process. I have so many unanswered questions and they all put me down and make my self esteem drop. But sweetie, you will pass this stage as well! You know what you worth and it is definitely not someone who will not appreciate you. Stay strong and don't let those questions put you down more. It is ok to ask those questions, but don't force yourself to get an answer. One day you will reflect differently and ask different questions such as: what did I even do with him?


Good Luck!!

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The questions...the what-ifs...the self-inflicted inquiries are all common in the aftermath of a breakup.


I know that is my case to a T with my most recent loss. I mean, did I not tell her I loved her enough? Like that Bruno Mars song (When I Was Your Man)...maybe I should've bought her flowers? Or held her hand? Well, I did all those things and more and still I get let go. Now, I know many of my trusted circle told me she was too confrontational for me. But, as many of you know, love is definitely blind and now a broken heart is as well. I know the maybe it is better that I am not with her anymore because it seemed like I could do no right. I have wished over and over that I was my usual pre-emptive self and cut ties earlier. Too bad and now the vested feelings I built up sting like open wounds.

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I wonder about the same thing. All of it runs through my mind. How do I know if they were really sincere or if any of it was acting for the sake of making me happy for the relationship. How did he really feel...

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