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So I was broken up with about 5-6 weeks ago and was doing probably the most unhealthy thing which was checking her facebook like 10 times a day. I finally had enough and blocked her the other day at like 6pm on a Sunday. On Monday my brother calls me and says she took all of our photos down except one of us on New Years like 4 years ago and the caption went from nothing to "Write an optional comment...". When he told me, I told him to not tell me anything else ever about her fb etc. I probably read too much into it and thought it was a sort of dig at me for whatever reason... but this is the whole reason I had to block her. I have also been no contact since the day we broke up.


Not gonna lie, it would make me angry if I though that she was trying to make me look bad after all I have done. Moving on, but still lingering feelings.

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