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Best place to meet girls

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Best place to meet girls. Specifically in college, seems like bars are a good place but they have a lot of people just looking for one night stands. Are bars a good place to meet potential GF?

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If you're in college then go to as many events as you can. Join student clubs, especially those you are interested in and have a good mix of guys and girls. Make friends who often organise parties, etc. Places to meet girls (or anyone you might be interested in) can be anywhere that is a relaxed setting where people are encouraged to socialise. It's basically the same approach as making new friends in college.


And "one night stands" can turn into something more if both people really find they like each other. In my experience it's actually not uncommon.

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Well I saw the headline and thought “college” - and I see you ARE in college so you are in luck!


Where do you live? When I lived on campus I found it super easy to meet lots of people. But even when I lived off campus, my roommates would bring their friends over, and their friend’s friends.


Parties are a great place to meet people. Weekend activities, I went to school in a beach town, so big groups of us would go to the boardwalk etc.


I met people in class, through sharing notes, and projects, smaller lecture seminars, etc.


I met people just walking between classes, or at the library. Hell even the on campus laundry mat.


I think you should be able to meet girls just about any place besides hiding out in your room - and even that works if people come over like I mentioned above!


I met my husband at a Halloween party my Sr year.....


Ex I met through a friend of a friend.


Ex FWB I met when looking for a room to rent (ha!).


And I agree one night stands can end up something more. Was pretty sure my now husband was just going to be some fun for one weekend....

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I met my husband in a bar so sure. There is something to be said for meeting people while sober though.


You are in college -- everywhere is a good place to meet people. Your dorm or apartment hall way. Class. The quad. The student union. The library. The grocery story. Local parties. Sporting events. Church. Through friends. Participating in campus activities. Waiting in line.


Just smile & be friendly.

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