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I want to sleep with this guy from work.

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So, I'm a waitress at a sushi restaurant, and one of the sushi chefs, a chinese guy, well I'm very attracted to him. I would really like to sleep with him. However, he's kind of quiet, and his English isn't that great. How can I find out if he would be interested in sleeping with me? :love::p

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So, I'm a waitress at a sushi restaurant, and one of the sushi chefs, a chinese guy, well I'm very attracted to him. I would really like to sleep with him. However, he's kind of quiet, and his English isn't that great. How can I find out if he would be interested in sleeping with me? :love::p



There is really no way to tell. You just need to flirt with him to find out.

PS, are you sure he isn't Japanese?

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It's be better to find your lovers at a different restaurant. That way breakups aren't so awkward.

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Take one hand and make a circle, take your index finger and move it through the circle back and forth. Then point to him then yourself.

Thats understandable in any language.

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How about asking him out for coffee or some low key, fun activity for you to build up a non work rapport, drop him flirty hints and see what happens?

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