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On understanding a great girl's mind

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Hi. This is my first time, and i need some help/advice. Okay, I am good friends with a girl in college. We hang out often and goof around with each other. We have a lot in common especially being HUGE Cardinals fans. About two months ago I took her on a casual date to a movie. We both had fun, but I read her signs as just friends though I tried no moves. Recently, I started this high school flirtacious thing of leaving her funny notes being signed "your secret admirer", however she still knows that its me. Most recently I slide something under her dorm room door. It was about 30 index cards with her name on each one and on top was a letter saying, "If you look inside you will find, two small surprises which I hope you won't mind." Those surprises were index card envelopes with a note inside. On one it said, "How do you spell pretty with 2 letters?" You slide out a card that said, "QT (cutey)" On the other it said, "Now, how do you spell beautiful with 2 words?" You had to flip the card over to find that it said her full name (first & last).

Okay, now 2 days later, after I had seen her once but no mention of anything, she sends me an email that says, among other talk about the Cardinals and me being her 'secret admirer', says, "and on a side note, if i know you like i think i just might." Now this is what I need help with! I had been leaving subtle clues in those secret admirer notes and now she sends me this. What is she hinting to, if anything? I would love to just ask her out but can't because it seems that no matter how hard one tries, if the other one doesn't, than the situation is just awkward and that friendship is lost.


My question to you wise knowing individuals out there, What is she saying with this phrase? Perhaps what this phrase means in general? And what should I do now about it?


I am I nice, funny, and hopefully original guy who tries hard to persue a girl he likes and will continue to be a gentlemen long into the relationship (unlike many others). Its just 'jumping into the pool' that I have a hard time with.

Please advise me on where to go and hopefully I can help some of you in the future. Thank You.

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She is saying tell her that you like her ! Then she is saying she will like you back if she is sure you like her in that way.


Get going !

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