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Broke up with Fwb

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Hi I'm April, have been lurking a while. Tonight I made the rough decision to end my FWB situation. Well, one of them. I have two. The second one is going to be harder, I have developed feelings.


So, met them both dating. Neither one wanted a relationship. We decided to become FWB. I am 37 and was a virgin until last year. FWB sounded good since I have now grown to crave sex. But it was more of a booty call really. No friends about it.


I feel good about my decision, did it by text tonight and he just said ok. Now, this second guy. He comes over, we never go out. Its more love making. We watch movies, eat. And go to bed. I want more but am afraid to say anything. I'm fairly new to this. Had only been on 3 dates before last year.


Its only been 2 months. Should I give it more time or is it hopeless? He is good to me and sweet. We have so much in common and will just lay in bed and talk about our days.

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Give it more time for what? FWB is exactly like it sounds......friends.....with.....benefits. You go into it with no expectations of a relationship.....ever. As a side note, I never do it because I associate sex with emotions/feelings. No worky for me.


Sure, you can tell this guy you've developed feelings, and I'm definitely on your side, but more often than not men are in it for nothing more than sex and a warm body.


Good luck.

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I think that if you don't mind losing the 2nd guy (FWB), you can go ahead and tell him how you feel. It might be worth the risk.


But brace yourself for the worst -- if he doesn't return the feelings and simply wish to be FWB with you.

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Its sometimes inevitable that one party develops feelings, you can tell him how you feel but don't expect that he will feel the same. You and him entered into a fwb relationship, if he wanted you to be his gf he would have courted you. I don't mean to sound so negative but it is better to be ready for the worst case scenario. All the best

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