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should I visit my ex?

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I haven't seen him for 5 months, but we talk on the phone sometimes. Prior to that we were together for 3 months. I broke up with him because I felt like he was moving really fast and it freaked me out. (he was talking about marriage & kids already within the first month, and he was really possesive of me)


The last time we talked on the phone he begged me to visit him and go out with him again sometime soon. I told him that I'm busy right now and that I don't want to get back together with him, but maybe I could visit him sometime next month. I'd like to see him again and catch up for old times sake, but I don't want him to get his hopes up. Am I being unrealistic? What would you do?

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You broke up with him because he was "moving really fast and it freaked (you) out."


Now he's begging you to go out with him again and you're wondering if you should??? Come on, give me a break!!!


This guy is still very agressive and still wants to come at you with all his energy. Why would you want to once again subject yourself to the same behavior that caused you to break up with him in the first place???


So just why do you want to catch up on old times? You only dated for three months and that was five months ago. It's not like he was some major love in your life...you broke up with him for Pete's sake!!!


Let it go and let him go find another victim to harass. You don't need that kind of aggravation in your life. Why go after it?


Any guy who starts talking marriage and children in the first month of dating when the gal is obviously not so disposed has got to be several tacos short of a combination platter. If you do get together with him, fill him in on some facts about women and how his strategy at the beginning of a dating situation will nauseate most ladies.


That would be your only reason, and a humane reason, for seeing this guy...and take a friend along with you. I think you ought to forget about it.

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I find it interesting that many people feel it's essential to remain "friends" with exes regardless of how things were during the relationship, or why the relationship ended. Given the brevity of this relationship, and the weirdness of this ex, it seems to me like something better left alone. Why do you remain in touch with him at all? He does sound like a screwball.


Not only would I not visit him, I would keep my distance even as "friends."

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