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Is this weird? Weird event happened?


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I needed an opinion on this situation

I went out with a group of work friends. Myself, A male work colleague and two female colleagues. So 2 males 2 females.

We all know each other but i wouldn't say we are very close (we have all been in the role for about a year).

Long story short, we had dinner then went to a few bars.

During the night i noticed my male work friend very touchy feely, with one of the female work colleagues. Let's call them Tom and Jane. I.e. Tom was holding her hand, sitting on the bar sofas next to each other, Jane leaning her head on Tom etc.

We then went back to Toms house. At the house, he didn't really really make me feel welcome, i.e. offering me to sleep there etc. And during the entire time Tom and Jane were on the couch very touchy feely.

I began feeling uncomfortable because Jane is Married.

I decided to leave. 

This happened a few days ago and I just feel a bit unconformable about the situation. Now I do not know what happened after i left.

But is that normal behaviour? I have never been that touchy with female friends. I am really sad and disappointed as i wanted to make friends with these people but i just feel uncomfortable seeing such a thing. Am i overthinking this? Should i confront them and ask about their situation?

I don;'t want to be friends with people who cheat on their partners

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8 hours ago, firstrelationship10 said:

Should i confront them and ask about their situation?


No, that would be very weird.  You say these are co-workers of yours that you have been working with for about a year, and you're not really close with them.  So honestly what they do is not your business.  You are perfectly within your rights to leave if you aren't comfortable witnessing this or don't want to be around it.  If you don't like their behavior, you don't have to be friends with them.  That's up to you.  But as a general rule don't pry into people's business when you aren't close with them.  Whether this woman is cheating on her husband doesn't concern you.  Also it could be an open relationship.  You don't know the details of people's lives.

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Say nothing, let other adults make their own stupid mistakes. They have a different moral code to you, you're allowed to judge them for being a tacky cliche, but just judge quietly to yourself, outside of that it's not your business. In your shoes I wouldn't socialise with them again outside of work obligations, especially since they're likely using you and the other colleague as camouflage. Some people just have no class and you can't change that so it's best just to ignore it and not let it interfere with your workplace relationships with them. 

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