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So I'm an 11th grader, and I have this small friend group in my French class. It's me, two other girls, and one guy. This guy is a 10th grader. I've known him for the last two years and met him through a different class, so that's why I sat with him in French too. Recently, me and the other two girls have been texting a lot in our GC, so I know that the guy keeps it on mute. However, whenever I text him he immediately responds. Also, whenever I have any competition or birthday or a holiday is coming up, he always makes sure to wish me privately but doesn't send anything in the group chat when everyone else says it. For my birthday, he got me a lightstick for a kpop group that I really love and a $20 gift card (all in all, that comes to around $70 worth of gifts). He always jokes around with me in class too, and when one of the girls asks to switch seats with him so we can watch TV together, he always says no. Am I reading too much into this or is he flirting? I'm too scared to do anything because he is in my friend group, but this guy is one of the only nice guys I know.

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In my opinion, the evidence is insufficient to pass the verdict unanimously as “flirting”. He might be doing these nice gestures simply because he is a nice guy.

Why don’t you ask him out on a date? That way, he’ll know that you are interested in him romantically. Then you’ll get a clear answer whether he reciprocates or not.

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Normally when a guy likes a girl in a romantic way they ask you out on a date.  The gifts might just be kindness.  Ask him out and see if he jumps at the chance.

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This isn't "flirting" this is a guy totally crushin on you. 

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