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i gotta share this one.....

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Well, a lot of u r familiar with my situation from the previous posts....and your replies have helped me understand certain things immensly....and largely help me understand what I'm about to write.......but I gotta share it anyways......


BTW......this topic is gonna be great for all you wishing revenge and hatefull sh*t on your ex MMs........I just can't wait for all the "you go girl" and "good job" replies........and especially "payback 's a bitch".


Here we go.......during the past week and a half ssssss and I have established contact again and saw each other a few times.....to make a long story short she tells me if I don't move out in the next two weeks (ending next sunday) we're done for good. I say OK...I'll do that (I planned on doing it earlier this month but due to cash constraints couldn't). So.....we see each other a couple of times and on Thursday we say OK, it's gonna be no contact until i get my sh*t done. We texted each other a few times but nothing significant....Yesterday we talked about something insignificant and got into a kind of an argument - nothing big. Today, i move out of the house and text her that.........I get the following reply: "I hope you'll be happy. I am. Bye." I manage to talk to her and am told that these past two weeks were an act...to get back at me for everything she's been through for me.


Now, I'll love all the "you got what you deserve you b*stard" replies and all but it's not the act itself that's f*cked up, it's the reasoning behind it. I understand all my f*ckups during this entire relationship......all the lies, manipulation,........however, i'll tell you this.....while all those were acts of selfishness and cannot be defended by anything they were not aimed at intentionally hurting someone (THEY WERE NOT)......Everytime I hurt my gf I was f*cked up cuz I knew she was in pain, I never gloated about it. I don't know.....just had to get this out.

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Originally posted by MMBastard

Well, a lot of u r familiar with my situation from the previous posts....and your replies have helped me understand certain things immensly....and largely help me understand what I'm about to write.......but I gotta share it anyways......


BTW......this topic is gonna be great for all you wishing revenge and hatefull sh*t on your ex MMs........I just can't wait for all the "you go girl" and "good job" replies........and especially "payback 's a bitch".


Here we go.......during the past week and a half ssssss and I have established contact again and saw each other a few times.....to make a long story short she tells me if I don't move out in the next two weeks (ending next sunday) we're done for good. I say OK...I'll do that (I planned on doing it earlier this month but due to cash constraints couldn't). So.....we see each other a couple of times and on Thursday we say OK, it's gonna be no contact until i get my sh*t done. We texted each other a few times but nothing significant....Yesterday we talked about something insignificant and got into a kind of an argument - nothing big. Today, i move out of the house and text her that.........I get the following reply: "I hope you'll be happy. I am. Bye." I manage to talk to her and am told that these past two weeks were an act...to get back at me for everything she's been through for me.


Now, I'll love all the "you got what you deserve you b*stard" replies and all but it's not the act itself that's f*cked up, it's the reasoning behind it. I understand all my f*ckups during this entire relationship......all the lies, manipulation,........however, i'll tell you this.....while all those were acts of selfishness and cannot be defended by anything they were not aimed at intentionally hurting someone (THEY WERE NOT)......Everytime I hurt my gf I was f*cked up cuz I knew she was in pain, I never gloated about it. I don't know.....just had to get this out.


:lmao: << And it isn't because of what happened here...


MMBastard.. hmm let me just call you MB okay?


Listen, I really am sorry things turned out the way they did.. for ALL paties involved in this.


It's wierd uh? No one ever really "Wins" or gets what they "Wanted" in these situations... If nothing else, hopefully you've learned a lot about yourself and will be able to apply that elsewhere in your life.


I do hope sssss is happy, and is recovering from all you've put her through... and obviously I hope for your wife and especially your little person that they will both be okay eventually and happy again.


There isn't anything funny about broken families.. or affairs and the damage they leave in thier wake....


I'm happy to at least see in some small way you've been able to keep your sense of humor.. trust me, you'll need it!


Good Luck


And BTW.. While I won't say "You Go Girl" to ssssss (LMAO just a funny phrase!) I will say, I'm happy that she did what she felt she needed to do to make herself okay.

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I understand your point Merin......it's all good and fine. Again, while not asking for any gratification for myself.....it's the reasoning and the method that gets to me........There were so many ways she could hurt me but whe picked one that was gonna devastate me. If she did not want to have anything else to do with me...why take me away from my child as means of hurting me. And while I know most of the replies to this sentence are going to be "You shouldn't have stayed at the house if the marriage ain't working" this is not truly the issue. My wife and I have spent countless hours discussing this. If there weren't for ssssss, the marriage still would have failed and I would eventually move out, but not this soon. I knew all the consequences when I hot involved in the affair - and yes, this is the consequence. My only question.......why retaliate to this??? And I know tomorrow is a new day and I'll roll with the punches....but darn. I guess the worst part is I just can't look at that person in the same way. Everything I thought she was is just a blur. Please understand that I'm saying this without passing judgement or blame.

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i guess many of us who have been in ssss's position would love to have been able to do that. and no doubt she chose that method because she knew it would cause you the most pain. i don't know that i could have done what she did, and while i'm all for "doing what's right for me" i don't know that i ever could have encouraged my exMM to leave under false pretenses. i think many of us are in a position where if we wanted to with a few accidentally forwarded emails or a phone call could do some permanent damage and yes, i too, have entertained those thoughts. and oh, the feeling of having "got him back" would be sweet, but fleeting. i've thought a lot about this all this weekend, as i sorted through the mess that my life has become since all heck broke lose with my relationship over the past few months. in sorting through the piles, i found receipts for valentine's day gifts i bought and a small but probably stupid gift i bought when his problems with his W came to a head. the pain those stupid pieces of paper brought back was unbearable and there was and still is the desire to have him get what's coming to him. and while, in many ways, i could care less about his wife, i still couldn't try to force him to give up his family. but i believe if anyone is going to cause him grief and ruin his marriage, it's going to be him, not me. he's proven that he's perfectly capable of f'ing up his relationships all by himself.

so, no "go girl" from me. i'm glad she did what she needed to do to make her happy. perhaps i still, in spite of everything still love my exMM very much and maybe that's why i couldn't intentionally cause him and his kids pain. what i've realized is that i hate what happened, i hate the situation and i hate the actions taken on his part and i hate the result, but it was my doing as well and as much as i want to i don't hate HIM (well, maybe some of the time!) :rolleyes: . if he's going to leave his wife someday, i want it to be in spite of me, not because of me. will i be there waiting? i won't say 100% no, but at this point it's about 99.999999999% sure that i'd tell him to take a hike.

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Nope. I'm hardly jumping up and down cheering on anyone here. This is just terrible. One BIG cluster-f*ck of dysfunction…and you, my dear child, are the catalyst of your own misfortune.


If you take a moment to step outside of yourself and reflect back, you will quickly discover that YOU are the only one constant in all your failed relationships.


If she did not want to have anything else to do with me...why take me away from my child as means of hurting me.


Your girlfriend did not take you away from your child. YOU made the decision to walk out on your wife and child…unless of course, ssssss kidnapped her.


If there weren't for ssssss, the marriage still would have failed and I would eventually move out, but not this soon.


Again, it's Ssss fault that you are now without the family you really didn't want to be with anyway? So what exactly was your wife to you?...Mrs. "Good-Enough-For-Now?"


I do feel bad for you MMB, but its because you are either unwilling or incapable of accepting accountability for your own actions. Nor are you able to use sound reasoning or good judgment on your own without hand-holding or coercion. It's "safe" for you that way, because if things don't turn out in your favor, you can just place the blame right back on the person who "coerced" you into making that choice in the first place.


Classic externalization.


There is nothing I would like more than to see you finally get happy and "well." But I'm worried that you haven't acquired the skills it takes to do the inside work on your own. MMB, would you ever consider seeking some kind of professional counseling to help you get to the root of your problems and sort your issues out? :(

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I'm not happy to see you hurt. I do agree that there is a lot of dysfuncition here and not just on your part. I read your story before, and originally thought you had lied to sssss about being married, but you said she knew you were m and so she knew what she was getting into in the first place.


"There were so many ways she could hurt me but whe picked one that was gonna devastate me. If she did not want to have anything else to do with me...why take me away from my child as means of hurting me. And while I know most of the replies to this sentence are going to be "You shouldn't have stayed at the house if the marriage ain't working" this is not truly the issue. My wife and I have spent countless hours discussing this. If there weren't for ssssss, the marriage still would have failed and I would eventually move out, but not this soon. "



If the marriage would have failed anyway and you were planning to move out anyway then she didn't take you away, you were leaving eventually anyway right? Or were you hoping to have her there for you either way, whether you left or not? I'm not sure what you mean here. Maybe try to be honest with yourself about what you really expected out of all of this. Were you leaving only because you thought sssss would be there for you? It seems you hurt sssss trust badly enough that she did not see a possible future with you anymore, and on top of that she wanted to and has now hurt you badly. In my mind there is never any justfication for this.


You do have to accept that you are the one that caused hurt in the first place though, whether you intended it or not., you must have realized that messing around with peoples feelings and lying to them would hurt them. It can turn normally good people into people who do what sssss has now done.

I am very sorry that now your wife, ssss and you are all in pain, I guess these situations do cause more pain than they are worth. Good luck.

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Yeah MMB, not gonna bash ya. I know how hard you were working on things and this is a total unxexpected turn of events! Wow. Totally on purpose and hurtful too. I guess she had her fun at your expense. Thing is, I bet she someday will wake up at 2am and realize how she could have handled things better insteaod of letting games ruin a new and improved potiental relationship.


Her loss, so just take it easy and hang in there.

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Hey MMB I think what the sssss did was pretty messed up. It takes two to have an affair and in my opinion she is just as guilty as you. She knew that you were married and had a family. You obviously lied and did a lot of hurtful things too but you did not do it alone. I know you are the one that took the vows but she is just as guilty for getting involved with a MM. It drives me crazy when the person that is married is the only one that people blame. I did not read your previous posts but I don't think you deserved for her to lie to you when she is just as guilty. Why does she think she is better than you? Don't get me wrong you are guilty but so is she.


I do feel sorry for you. I also think you need to take this as huge lesson learned. Hopefully the sssss will learn to not sneak around with MM.. Anytime there is an affair it never ends good for anyone. I am learning this the hard way too. Good luck. I wish you the best.

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For all repliers: I'm not placing blame. I'm the root of all that's gone wrong here. And again, those are not reasons for posting – not to make me feel better about myself.


It's now been two days and I had some time to put certain things into perspective and think some of this through. Although still dumbfounded about what happened . I do feel better about some issues. I've had a sort of a «dream ending» experience. Afeeling of disgust and dissapointment. I thought I know this person so well, I never thought she'd be capable of something like this. I gues to a large extent I'm still having a hard time accepting this is her. And I'm still sontemplating long and hard whether there was an alternate reason for this. However, it seems this really is her and all this time I was just completelly blinded – believing what I wanted to believe without ever taking a step back to realistically look at the person. There is a funny story behind all this....a couple of months ago when I was talking to my wife about my gf she said her biggest regret was I never actually had a real relationship with this person. My wife had a five year relationship with a great guy and got scared of the commitment......the easiest way to get out of that relationship was to «fall in love» with someone as a means of getting out....so she did....a guy from work she hardly knew, but knew he was a shallow idiot. She says she was soooo in love with him she could not see past anything....and then about 8 months later, she was having coffee with the guy and it hit her....."What in the hell was I thinking....this guy is a total waste", a sort of a revelation. She said she's sorry I never had this feeling. She of course also said she'd be the happiest person to walk by at that moment with our daughter. :):):(

I was just ignoring all the signs. I spoke to my dad on Friday about this (before all this happened). He is divorced and now married to his former OW. I spoke to him about my gf and I said "Yeah, yeah, she knows what she's getting into. She completely accepts the fact I have a child and all". He asked how old she was. I said 22. He laughed and said "She has absolutelly no f'cking idea what she's getting into".

I hope y'all understand I'm not trying to pass blame here.....I'm just strugling with accepting someone I adored so much is basically nothing more than a huge dissapointment. I've accepted I was a dissapointment a long time ago. But I was gonna prove to her this time I'm sticking with the game plan. My line of thinking last week was: Look, this girl is giving you another chance after all you've put her through......you'll follow through big time. And somewhere, deep in my mind, I'm happy I did, despite the result.


Bottom line......I've screwed up so majorly...I screwed up my wife's life, my child's life by being selfish and egoistic to the furthest extent. This is going to be my no. 1 regret for the long long time coming. I've hurt ssssss majorly also, but you'll forgive me for not feeling so bad about it right now. After all she does not feel the slightest bit of regret for what she did – in fact she is gloating in her big time success in «playin'» me. Unfortunatelly, this time we both (but myself primarily) played my kid. Thanks y'all for all your help.

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For you hardcore Nickelback fans (like myself), also check out the lyrics to 'Someday", sample:


Nothin's wrong

Just as long as you

Know that someday I will

Someday, Somehow

I'm gonna make it alright but not right now

I know your wondering when

(You're the only one who knows that)


Chad Kroeger should win a 'Best Songwriter, Extramarital Affairs' award!!!



I just read this in another post....HAHAHA, this is so true. I wish I heard that from someone now. Chad Kroeger is the story of my relationship..... we loved "why don't you and i" he did with santana.......oh f*ck it........:D:D:D:D:(:(:(:D:D

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All her pain and suffering cannot justify her actions. She shouldn't have asked you to leave your wife and child if she weren't prepared to go for it. That is just plain wrong.


Take care

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Yup, Nickelback is a great band.


Just try not to beat up on yourself now. You know what happened in the past, it was dealt with, you were forgiven by sssss and she tried to make it work with you...This part is NOT your fault, again, you didn't see it coming and I don't think it was deserved as you made it known to her how much you were giving up for her, making that hard decision. Once you did that, gave her your heart and soul, telling her how happy she made you and how things were going to be great....Then she sh*t on you and broke your heart this time. Not nice, not fair and even if most here think you deserved that D, I don't think you did. Two wrongs do not make a right.


Hang in there babes, take it one day at a time and do not contact her in any way now. She is a fool right now and I know someday she will feel this and realize what she did and how much her game hurt you intentially.


Keep posting and smile abit if you can.



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I'm sorry, but your ssssss gets no cheer from me at all whatsoever. If she was "so" hurt her little revenge scheme wasn't the way to do it. She could've just decided to not be with you and be on her merry way, she didn't have to resort to plotting etc. I'm quite sure every O/W has been tempted at one point or another to "get revenge" on her MM for lying, cheating, etc. but at the end of the day she did know what she was getting into. What's worst is that I'm wondering was she ever "in love" anyway, because if she's going to do this little scheme of her's for "payback" what does it REALLY accomplish? Was her goal to leave you with nothing so that she can feel better about herself? That is just so lame. I know that when people are hurt they like to hurt the people that hurt them, but her choosing to not be with you should've been enough, she didn't have to set the deadline etc. to prove a point.


...I hope that she is happy, because she comes off as the type that just wanted to see if she could take you from her, like she prides herself on being able to take someone else's husband from her. If I was your wife, then of course I'd say something like that's what you get, but at the end of the day all parties are hurting, and it's one big mess.


...my question is what are you going to do now?

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Well, sssss sure didn't take the high road.


I don't know MMB; revenge is pretty sweet and maybe she just had to have it.

Not saying it's right....it was a pretty low blow. But I wonder if now she feels she's evened the score?


Is it truly over now? Maybe take some relief in the fact that despite the devastation played out here (an image of smoking ruins comes to mind...) at least NOW may be the time for some closure to happen and for life to continue anew.



You have time to rebuild and start again. I wish you luck.


Despite the scenarios you've shared with us, I do think your honesty is compelling and I've become fond of your presence here on LS.


Such characters here!!!



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I believe the term for this is "rough justice". It's not pretty...but deep down, it's fair. And right.


Sorry, MMB. You do seem to actually have about 4.5% of a conscience, so I guess you're thinking, "WTF!!! That ain't right what she did!!! She played me!!!"


Like they say on the playground, you started it.

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Originally posted by 2ndConfusedfemale

What's worst is that I'm wondering was she ever "in love" anyway, because if she's going to do this little scheme of her's for "payback" what does it REALLY accomplish? Was her goal to leave you with nothing so that she can feel better about herself? That is just so lame. I know that when people are hurt they like to hurt the people that hurt them, but her choosing to not be with you should've been enough, she didn't have to set the deadline etc. to prove a point.


...I hope that she is happy, because she comes off as the type that just wanted to see if she could take you from her, like she prides herself on being able to take someone else's husband from her.


EXACTLY....that's something that's been on my mind for the past couple of days constantly....What does this accomplish??? And I guess you're right, I think it might have been a self esteem exercise to a large extent. Her self esteem is very low as is and this maybe was the way for her to feel good about herself. As far as her being "in love"??? F*ck, i don't know anymore. It's all still blurry and confusing.


Is it truly over now? Maybe take some relief in the fact that despite the devastation played out here (an image of smoking ruins comes to mind...) at least NOW may be the time for some closure to happen and for life to continue anew.


...my question is what are you going to do now?


Yeah, definitelly over. For the first time, since I met her, I feel this is not the person I wanna be with. What I thought was her kindness and sweetness largely dictated her image in my mind. I loved her for that. I thought she was one of the rare young people "uncontaminated" by greed, jealousy, false sense of grandness - so different from all her friends, people we were both around, myself at the end of the day :):):) ....... Bottom line, the sweetest person I knew. MY *SS - all bullsh*t. Whenever I'd think of the two of us together I'd have a smile on my face......now that's replaced by a sick feeling of disgust.

Anyways, I think I'm done hating her.....now I feel sorry for her. And I'm sorry if this experience with me changed her to what she's become - I'd undo it all if I could.


What am I going to do now? Be alone for a while. Very alone. I need the space.


You can bet one thing though......I'll be here a lot...replying and helping (I hope I help) is so rewarding.


All you guys are great (well except maybe Enigma and Solemate.......naaaah, I'm just kidding..I love you guys too)

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Originally posted by 2ndConfusedfemale

I'm sorry, but your ssssss gets no cheer from me at all whatsoever. If she was "so" hurt her little revenge scheme wasn't the way to do it. She could've just decided to not be with you and be on her merry way, she didn't have to resort to plotting etc. I'm quite sure every O/W has been tempted at one point or another to "get revenge" on her MM for lying, cheating, etc. but at the end of the day she did know what she was getting into. What's worst is that I'm wondering was she ever "in love" anyway, because if she's going to do this little scheme of her's for "payback" what does it REALLY accomplish? Was her goal to leave you with nothing so that she can feel better about herself? That is just so lame. I know that when people are hurt they like to hurt the people that hurt them, but her choosing to not be with you should've been enough, she didn't have to set the deadline etc. to prove a point.


...I hope that she is happy, because she comes off as the type that just wanted to see if she could take you from her, like she prides herself on being able to take someone else's husband from her. If I was your wife, then of course I'd say something like that's what you get, but at the end of the day all parties are hurting, and it's one big mess.


...my question is what are you going to do now?


MMBastard, I just read your posts from before and this newest one. While crap you did to this girl is pretty screwed up (but normal for most MM) what she did in the end just spells BIATCH. And 2ndConfusedfemale is right, this girl never was "in love" with you, otherwise stuff as hatefull as this would never cross her mind. If she's 22 do we smell a "gold digger" here??? You rich buddy??? It might as well be self-esteem issues, she had to prove to herself she could be the one doing the hurting and dumping- a defense mechanism of sorts. SAD, SAD, SAD and childish. Trust me buddy, you're better off without this one. Us (former) OWs "pride" ourselves at giving our 100% to our MMs even if it kicks us in the ass at the end. At least we can say we tried. Stay happy!

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dude burn! major burn!


Well I am young and I can see someone doing it. but what did she expect. you already established you were a liar and cheat. so she was setting her self up for it. But what did you expect? you are a lair and a cheat. And didn't treat anyone involved with respect including yourself.


You wife must be grinning at this one. I know I would. But seriously it's probably the best you're out of the house. Your wife and you can move on from here. Cheating is never good. I think everyone has been tempted but after being on ls I am so much firmer in my belief never to cheat no one wins ever.


but still I wish i had the balls to burn someone that bad who screwed me over. But I am too nice and too much of a sucker to ever do it. damn high road

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Hmmm, yeah I guess we all have thoughts of actually doing something like that...Just some actually Do go through with it and I don't know how they live with themselves to purposely plan it out and intentially hurt someone. Two wrongs do not make a right.


MMB Did make mistakes, but he has been really honest about it all and turned over a new leaf with this girl. Unfortunately she F*cked him over really good and she is enjoying seeing him in pain! To me, that is just plain cruel and one day maybe she will realize what she has done, maybe she won't. Just I doubt he'll be around for her to try it again on him. No trust left, just alot of hurt feelings...End of story.

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Originally posted by 4ever

MMBastard, I just read your posts from before and this newest one. While crap you did to this girl is pretty screwed up (but normal for most MM) what she did in the end just spells BIATCH. And 2ndConfusedfemale is right, this girl never was "in love" with you, otherwise stuff as hatefull as this would never cross her mind. If she's 22 do we smell a "gold digger" here??? You rich buddy??? It might as well be self-esteem issues, she had to prove to herself she could be the one doing the hurting and dumping- a defense mechanism of sorts. SAD, SAD, SAD and childish. Trust me buddy, you're better off without this one. Us (former) OWs "pride" ourselves at giving our 100% to our MMs even if it kicks us in the ass at the end. At least we can say we tried. Stay happy!


Gold-digger? No, I wouldn't say that. I'd like to think not. But the fact is as time passes by (although it's only been a few days) all respect I had for her is fading. As I stand back and reflect all that comes to mind is this person was never there for me....whenever **** got rough (unrelating to my marriage or relationship with her) she was never there to offer any support whatsoever. She contacted me after a month of NC for help on a legal matter. I responded within minutes to both help and be there for her. On her court date (traffic violation) I was on the phone with her until she entered the courtroom, telling her everything is gonna be fine and not to worry. This Monday I had a grueling legal episode with my mother....and even though she knew how painful the whole thing was gonna be didn't even send a message of support. It's really not like I need hand-holding or anything it's just these "human" things that piss me off.


So, the bottom line is, this girl is a waste of my time and I'm not gonna be destroying myself over her anymore. She wrote in one of her posts she was ready to fight battles for me.....HEHEHE. Funny how she doesn't post here no more :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Wow, I was wondering who ssssss was and then I read your guys' previous threads. Your online fights are just wild. While what ssssss has done is wild and crazy I wish I could do something like that to my xMM. Too bad so many people were hurt in all this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, seems to me my ex MM wasn't really honest with you guys-like always. So, the truth is he DIDN'T leave his wife two weeks ago, like he told me and wrote here... And wanna know where he's today? At his house, with her. So you see, I'm not the bad person in this whole f***ed up situation...I just wanted to see how far he was ready to go, what he was ready to do for me, for us...and the truth is that he didn't do anything. You all think I'm some stupid 22 year old girl who just wanted to have some fun on his expense...you have no idea how wrong you are, all of you. Cause he has done sooooo much damage to me that I don't think I'll ever be the same again. I started seeing some guy few days ago (he's not MM, just to clarify that) and I realized how f*cked up I am because of MMB and things he did to me in the past. I think I'll never trust any guy again, or what's even worse, I'll never be able to have a normal relationship with anyone anymore cause it hurts soooo much knowing someone who "loved" me could hurt me that much. So how do I believe someone new? The point of this post is 'to clear my name', cause trust me, I'm definitely not a gold digger like someone wrote, nor did I want a revenge or anything, I was just looking for a way out of this relationship and the pain it caused me. Why did I ask him to leave his wife? Cause I thought he was the one for me, but deep down inside I knew he'll never leave her...And swear to God, that's the truth. I don't want you to feel sorry for me or anything...but you have no idea how much it hurts seeing all of you feel sorry for HIM...WHY? Cause I finally decided to leave, and try to be happy with someone else? I thought all of your previous experiences with your MM's made you a bit smarter. But no, you all believed him, instead of trying to understand my reasons. And that's soooo sad. It was so hard for me to leave him and start my new life without him, but I'm so happy and proud of myself right now, cause I know I did the right thing-I ended the relationship, he's still with his wife, his daughter has a father that is with her all the time, they are trying to solve their marriage problems and I'm seeing someone new. It hurt so much, it still does sometimes, but at the end, it all ended well. I just wish I could delete all the pain I've been trough in the last 11 months. And the reason he asked for your advice on this is because he needs to feed his ego with your posts of support to him and you fell right into his trap. Oh and one more thing, wanna know what happened last night? He was in town with his wife at the same place I was and it was soooo hard for me to stay calm, cause all I wanted to do is to spit in his lying face. He sent me sms after they left home that he 'got dumped cause he kept looking my way'! Now how can she dump him if he's not with her, if he left the house? Understand now?! Take care. Bye.

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anyone else feel like they're in the middle of a soap opera? sorry, i don't mean to make light of the situation but as someone else said, somewhere in some other post....


there are three sides to every story


i feel sorry for you sssss, and can definitely understand the pain you're in, i've been there too, as have many others on this site. and whatever it was that happened here, i don't really know, only the two of you do. but as i see it, nobody really won here. i, personally, don't like to see anyone hurt whether that's you, or him, or his family.

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Well, I'm sorry ssss if I seemed judgmental. I had thought that I said if he really did leave his wife and THEN made my post. But anway, if he didn't then this whole thread makes no sense and I'm glad that you stopped wasting your time waiting for him. If he did then it's all done and he's probably back with her working it all out. I hope that whatever happens with you both it's for the best.

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