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Guys!! Kenyth Was Right!!

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I recently looked up articles and Q&A sessions by Doc Love. Kenyth was right about this guy being eerie when it comes to hitting the nail on the head. He does not pull any punches and most of the time his advice is painful but the honest truth usually. Some of his comments may be a little outlandish but I personally think it is hilarious. Like he always says, this information about women and their behavior is something you definitely would not see on OPRAH!! He has a little advice for everyone including married men and men on the dating scene or going through a divorce/separation. Check him out on his website and he even has a radio show on Sunday's from 8-11 AM PST(He is in So. Cal). I spoke with him at his 800 Number and he said to call him and he would respond to me first this Sunday.

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