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Of all the excuses I've heard for going astray, You'd think that the usual ones would actually suffice a person's longing to know why the hell this happened to me.....NOTTTT!!!!! Now most of the time the cheater says there was something wrong in the relationship, or the spouse...what I'm tryna get at here is that nobody ever really takes the responsibility for their actions


It's always someone else's fault, and I just hate when the cheating person just says it's in my genes.:mad: what kinda sh*t is that? I guess I'm just made at how people justify to themeselves and others why they do this. And it's just amazing how "it just happened":confused: . How does anything just happen? I'd say that if I bumped into someone, but it takes two to tango at least to have an affair. You know if people would just own up to there mistakes I think they'd actually let they're partner who they are dealing with so they can move on, and not actually waste time with someone (from my POV), doesn't really care for them.

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I think people cheat because they have a lack of respect mixed with feelings of entitlement.


But I agree that excuses are for losers. Cheaters?? Yeah, they fall into the "loser" category IMO.

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