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I snooped, justified?

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My gf goes to another college about an hour away and there's this guy she hangs out with often and I just have these huge suspicions that something is up. He's always shifty-eyed around me and she answers my questions about him with vague responses. The fact that she emails/texts him but not me anymore bugs me. So I snooped in her Email and found that they are a little close, like even if I am talking to her online, at the same time she sent an email to this guy saying she is bored and wish he'd get online, etc. And yet, she still claims to love me/do physical things with me/etc. I mean I haven't seen anything that would indicate DIRECTLY that there is cheating going on, but it just seems like they spend way too much time together.

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A more mature approach might be to discuss your feelings in a diplomatic way. How long have you guys dated? Have you discussed the relationship being exclusive?

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