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Is he still in love with the ex?


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Hey all, thanks for checking out my thread. I’ll try to make it short and sweet for you.


Met this guy, we’re both 20. He’s had a pretty wild past and is like a typical 20 year old now (university, friends, going with the flow) while I’m more ground and have built myself a career already. We met some months ago, didn’t hit it off right away but about a month after meeting, things escalated.


He had a very toxic first relationship. He was cheated on, used and introduced to things like hard drugs and constant partying. While he still treated her like a princess, staying loyal and paying for everything (living, clothes, etc). They haven’t had contact in a few months, and he tells me that he’s been very happy ever since we got to know each other better. Says he doesn’t check up on her anymore and doesn’t really care.


I’m not sure though. I am constantly being compared to that woman. He does always tell me that I’m “better” and “a lot more great”, but it is so strange. He always tells me about the country where they lived and whenever we talk about somethint sexual, the comment “She would’ve never done that” comes up 80% of the time. Why the hell does that matter?


He tells me he just doesn’t think about what he says. I’ve expressed that it makes me uncomfortable, he tells me he’ll stop but it always happens. I often pull back after those comments as it’s gotten gross to me, and he expresses remorse and texts me to say that he means it with me and genuinely likes me.


He does a lot for me as well. We have some distance between us now, he travels here every second weekend pretty much. He calls. We haven’t gone a single day without texting. He always tells me he likes me and misses me, after our last meeting he even expressed love to me, saying that he knows it’s too fast but he feels like it’s right.


He says he’s over her. That he isn’t rebounding. That I’m what he’s been looking for and he doesn’t want to lose me. But it’s so strange. His ex is still clearly on his mind.


I’m not sure what to think?

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How long were they broken up before you 2 started seeing each other? He may not have given himself enough time before moving on.

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Well some guys are pretty thick headed and think they are giving you compliments when saying you are better than their ex. And ya he is still in transition....it's just residual. Speak up girl and tell him flat out, enough with talking about the ex, and his past with her...tell him it's time to make new memories with you...time to go forward.

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He brings her up all the time because she is still on his mind. No he is not over her or he wouldn't talk about her.

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