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Is it bad I asked him if he still wants to see me?


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Hey everyone,

I wrote on here last weekend because I had started seeing someone for a few weeks, we went on 4 dates and talked everyday for 3 weeks.Everything was going great. On our 4th date we slept together, everything seemed to be going well and then he started taking over 24 hours to respond to texts when before he was initiating everything. We had an already scheduled 5th date this past week and when I asked him if we were still on, he took another 24 hours to tell me he was sick. I said I hope you feel better and lets raincheck, with no response. I felt like he was doing the fade out. Over the course of 5 days I got 2 responses from him, when before he as texting and calling multiple times a day without me lifting a finger. Come on, the change was drastic


So finally Thursday, I straight up said I sense something has changed and a drop in our communication. I would appreciate some honesty on where you head is at and if you want to continue to see each other. To me this was giving him the option to say he's not feeling it but I have had a few friends tell me this is clingy behavior and he probably wasn't going to ghost and I should have never sent it because now I look like a stage 5 clinger. Needless to say I got no response and haven't heard a peep from him since. I've been ghosted for the first time and I really just didn't want anyone to waste my time or let me invest any energy into someone who doesn't want to see me.


Was I going to be ghosted regardless?

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I mean yes, probably, you were going to get ghosted either way.


You're fine for saying something. I don't think wanting clarity is tantamount to "stage five clinger" status. If you were blowing up his phone two dozen times a day demanding a response, that would be different. If you'd stayed silent, you probably wouldn't have heard from him anyway, so what's the difference?


I think the real question here is, do you really want to be with someone/be pursued by someone who is okay with fading out on you like this? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't overly concern yourself with how you come off. There's nothing wrong with have expectations on someone's behavior and there's nothing wrong with expressing those expectations. If that turns him off, that is HIS problem. As the saying goes, "those who matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter." Move on from this disappointment of a man and don't take to heart what your friends are saying.

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It certainly appears that is where it was heading. How disappointing.


I completely agree with losangelena that there was nothing wrong with what you said. It sounds like you tried your best, but he just wasn't willing to give you that clarity, which makes him a bit of a jerk.


There are few good reasons for ghosting someone. It shows a real lack of respect and empathy for the other person. It's sad that people tend to blame themselves when they are on the receiving end, even though it is more of a sign of the other person's cowardice and selfishness.


I know it probably hurts right now, but in time you will realize you dodged a bullet with this guy. He clearly doesn't have as much potential as you hoped.

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Yes he was definitely trying to ghost you and did. Don't feel bad because you wanted to know what was going on. Now, don't contact him again and just move on.

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