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How am i supposed to approach her


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So here is the thing.It's like i don't even know how i got into this girl,but i really want to have her as a girlfriend and so on.

So i met a girl online like an year ago,shes like 18 and she NEVER had a boyfriend ,never kissed a boy or anything(ye right in eastern europe thats something rare af) and my usual "tricks" are not working with her and she seems not to be interested in me the way i want her to be(shes not lesbian for sure lol)

It's been like an year we went out couple of times,mostly talking to her on facebook and stuff we know each other very well and sometimes she gives these mixed signals just pissing me off lol,but i have no clue how dafuq do you even impress such a lady

anything else you want to know shoot for it and please share some experience lol

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Like you said, she's not interested in you that way. If she was, things would have escalated naturally after you went out that couple of times face to face. There's no magic formula to make someone who is neutral about you want you romantically. Sorry.

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A sheltered inexperienced girl is going to behave differently then a more worldly woman. Time is your best advantage. You have to be there regularly & she needs to trust you. She's looking for G rated romance, attention & consistency.



You said you went out "a couple of times" over the course of the last year. How many? If less than 24 (2x per month) she doesn't think you are serious.



Have you ever sent her flowers? Have you ever sent her a snail mail card for her birthday, the holidays or for no reason? Are you courtly & gallant opening doors etc, when you do go out?



I don't know what your "usual tricks" are but I suspect they are shall we say more goal oriented, designed to get you what you want quickly, with not too much thought about the ramifications for a virgin. She probably doesn't trust you & is wondering if you are a player.



She may not see you romantically. She may not know what that means. She may have certain fears concerning the pressures which come with having a BF.

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If she's still a virgin at age 18, it's going to take more "effort" to get through to her. How much patience do you have? Girls like her are going to seem stand-offish ... it's not because she is playing games...it's more likely she operates by playing it "safe". Use your creativity in trying to approach such a girl. And treat her with respect without being too nice. Her attitude may have absolutely nothing to do with you and more to do with her and what makes her tick. I'd say just try to get to know her better. Ask her questions and when she talks listen.

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Don't know your age, but I'd steer clear of such women, I was in a similar situation dating for 5 months, let me explain what sucks with such women.


I like you put importance on women not having had truck load of BF's and playing party girls or so, to me it's all about self respect. Just like players are *******s I don't date party girls.


Now the woman I dated hardly ever had BFs, was more shy, didn't show PDAs and even didn't want to discuss sex or flirt via message, she was kind of prudish but the most open minded and respectuous so different than all women before her that was under the charm.


I had amazing times with her, she said on the sex part she needed time, so I waited 3 months... The connection was amazing with her so I didn't feel too annoyed.

But I am 8 years older than her and honestly after a while, I realized she wasn't mature in the relationship department, because wether you like it or not, you need to date to get experienced and that wasn't her case, sometimes she would ask questions why, on stuff I didn't think needed explaining, she was like a relationship toddler... But let me be clear it's not only about sex, it's just overall experience of life !


So if you have good experience and are much older, you'll end up feeling like you're being a teacher rather than a lover and it also kind of takes some magic and spontaneity out of the story, this isn't in the end a very enjoyable experience, you suddenly ask yourself what was I thinking experience Level imbalance only work when one of the 2 kind of like having the hand or control over the other and most stable people do not want this.


Think about what dating an inexperienced girl will do, maybe you're allready too far in life for this.

Edited by Desesperado
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Always be a gentleman.....win or lose.....never expect a return....treat the women around you who dont interest you the same way...treat all women the same afford them courtesy and chivalry and for sure no different to the woman you are interested in as far as respect goes.....because she will be watching you....and how you treat others....especially women...old and young...girls too...


be true...be honest ...be open...be upfront in your interest and court her openly....be confident...and dont give up..be different in the sense games are not your style....be a man among boys and go for what you really want to happen with no regret..unless its to use her and get -physical ....if so.....she isnt for you.....good luck....deb

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Always be a gentleman.....win or lose.....never expect a return....treat the women around you who dont interest you the same way...treat all women the same afford them courtesy and chivalry and for sure no different to the woman you are interested in as far as respect goes.....because she will be watching you....and how you treat others....especially women...old and young...girls too...


be true...be honest ...be open...be upfront in your interest and court her openly....be confident...and dont give up..be different in the sense games are not your style....be a man among boys and go for what you really want to happen with no regret..unless its to use her and get -physical ....if so.....she isnt for you.....good luck....deb


I wished more men would behave like gentlemen, that's how I've been educated and is the best course of action, you'll hardly ever regret or feel like crap, behaving like this.


However respect is earned, not a birth right given upon women, bad behaviour is calmly denounced by a gentleman, from man or woman, before walking away from it, because being a gentleman means having clear boundaries and not tolerating poor behaviours from anyone.

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