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Why am i feeling like I am losing interest in long distance? Am i going crazy?


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I am new to this forum so I am looking for some answer.


I am in long distance with my girl for almost a year and it has been almost 3 months we havent seen each other in real. I stayed with her for 2 weeks when I went few months back but now all we do is facetime everyday for an hour or two. When i met her last time we clicked so well and it were the best days or my life and now I am getting frustrated


I mean i still feel it but now i am not getting much things to talk about as well. I sometimes feel annoyed too when i talk with her maybe because I seriously do miss her a lot


We are meeting again after 2 months for a week or two and I hope the chemistry is better in real and i feel better.


Can anyone please tell me if these feelings are normal in Long distance? I am quite upset in last few days. Any experienced people around here who felt the same?

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It's normal to feel frustrated when you haven't seen your girlfriend for 3 months. I personally couldn't be in a long distance relationship, especially one where I would have to go months without seeing the other person.


I think you're feeling the way you do because you're not getting what you want out of the relationship. Talking to a computer screen just isn't the same as talking to someone in person.


If this is becoming a problem you should probably talk to your girlfriend and see if there's any way you guys can see each other more often.

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