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What do I need to do to overcome shyness and improve confidence to date women


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I recently turned 27 years old and I was considering of visiting a prostitute but I thought it over and feel that I won’t be stable after I done the deed. I only wanted to visit one because I basically cannot land a date with anyone. I’ am currently a senior attending a university with two semesters left to go.


I was considering myself having social anxiety but do not really fit me because I do talk to people, but I’m just nervous talking to women. I feel if I don’t say the right words she won’t be interested in me. Let say I do carry on conversation, and I find her a bit interesting, I just don’t know how to ask her out from this point. In other words I just don’t how to be direct about it. Every time I say it I say “let’s hangout sometime” and all it does is become friendly and I’m friend zoned. I’m basically brushing it underneath the carpet and feel a bit awkward to express that I’m interested in her. I only do this because I feel she may think ewww this guy asking me out. It happen to me when I was a freshman in high school, since then I have been scared to ask some lady out.


Maybe the way I’m saying I don’t know, so I gave up. I have only been trying girls who are from China, but not with American women because I feel with American women you have a nice car and your own apartment. Obviously for a full-time college student, this impossible to achieve with a part-time job especially living in San Francisco. This is my reason why I avoid American women even though I’m American myself. I’m not saying American women are directly after this but this is based on what I hear from other men that have dated American women.


This may sound a bit crazy but I feel odd to be different ethnicity and no guy is like me out there. I’m a mixture of Indian and Latin and it’s a mixture that is not seen every day by people. People say good to be different but I feel sometime I’m not blended with the rest of the crowd. Sometime I feel a darker skin complexion is not attractive toward other women, but being white would be more attractive.


As for style of dressing most people compliment hey nice coat, shoes or shirt, and generally have a good sense of style so I’m good in that department. I have been noted that I dress like a casual guy from Italy would dress.

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