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My babys dad and this other guy

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Ok I have a daughter and I just broke up with her Father of 5 years.. Weve been great as a couple but fought alot.. It was a mutual aggrement to seperate.. Its only been a few weeks and I met this guy. I liked him @ first been when I see my babys dad I become sad. I don't want to see this other guy anymore. I realized I'm not ready to date. I still am holding on the the hope that one day we will be able to get along and live together again. I love him alot and I do believe that he is my one true love.. I don't want to date this guy anymore.. Not because I love my b dad but because I'm just not interested in him.


I think I used him as a crutch to hold on to in the begining of out breakup. He still loves alot he told me so and he comes to see his Daughter alot.. I think he makes excuses to call too .. Like have you seen my sunglasses I think I left them over there.. Stuff like that. How do I break the other guy away without hurtung him. Ive only known him for 2 weeks and hes really klingy!.

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Tell him that you really like him, he is a nice person but you still have very strong feelings towards your ex and you don't want to fool him around.

Tell him that you are sorry if you are hurting him, but you have just realized that you still love your baby's dad.


I think he might be hurt at first but he'll understand.

Probably he knew that there was the risk you'd miss your ex bf and that it would not have lasted a lot when he started dating you.

Anyone who starts dating someone who has just terminated a very long relationship usually takes that risk into account.


Hope things will work again with your ex.

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