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Only RIch guys can make Long distance work right?


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Just something i was thinking about.


I see how rich guys bring their long distance GF from other countries and then they support them. Or at least they have a descent house for the to begin life in america. OR they go and move to whatever country the girl lives in and they make their life there.


Poor guys like me, strugglign to pay school loans and car etc. that's just not possible.


anyways just a thought . I"m not in an Long distance thing but i'm just thinking if it ever happened

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well you need to have work, a job :) because you need to show your tax forms and stuff to prove that your gf wont be a burden to the gov't. it also helps if she had education (i.e. college) so she can work to help you out.

if im not mistaken, you need to make at least 16k a year, and you can get a co-sponsor (mom or dad, relative). as for long distance calls you can get those VOIP phones (i.e. magic jack) and your calls will almost be free.

see, you dont have to be filthy rich. but it would really help that you know this person first so u wont end up being used. you seem pretty young, just go to school for a while. find the work that you want. be patient. when you dont look for love, it finds you.:love: a worthy girl will admire you for your good qualities and see past this poor thing that youre saying.

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Travel and communication are cheap, and it costs no more to 'support' a foreign national than a local, and many foreign nationals these days have portable skillsets/careers/jobs.


IME, it's more about being resourceful than being rich, as well as about setting priorities. Concurrently, identifying and pursuing compatible partners who share the same life goals.


As I mentioned in another thread, a quick way to weed out visa-whores and gold-diggers is to approach any women with the plan to ex-pat and live with her in her country. A quality woman will jump at that opportunity if she's interested in the man, since she can then keep her family and friends nearby. The others will quickly move on, since their goals are different. The majority of the women I met in the CIS didn't want to leave, but acknowledged that relocation was an option they'd likely have to consider if meeting a foreign man.

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To the OP, if you ever choose to get into an LDR it will be because you feel she is worth the trouble of things like calling expenses, and perhaps even the expenses and rules of immigration (if applicable) And these things are not decided overnight but only after some time of knowing someone. If she only cares about how much money you make, that will become apparent eventually and she is probably someone you don't want to be with.


And the one who is worth it will not demand you to help her relocate.


I am a 35 y/o woman in an LDR. And he is not "wealthy" by his country's standards. He has told me he is struggling with money but I never once cared about how much money he makes, I just love him and love getting to talk to him. I am not wealthy either and that may make it so we can't visit each other for a while. However just because we might not get to visit, doesn't mean that I want to break up with him.


And our LDR has worked for around 7 months so far. I just mean that if both feel the other is worth the trouble, things like income shouldn't matter except how it will effect visiting or ability for eventually permanently living together. And even then I feel like he is worth the wait to be able to visit.

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Carhill has it right. It's not about being rich, it's about being resourceful and reassessing your priorities.


My partner is certainly not rich (neither am I) and we manage to make our relationship work across 12,000 miles. Provided you've got a computer and internet access (which the vast majority of people do these days) skype calling is free and a great way to maintain close contact.


Flights take a bit of saving up for, of course, and there are some things you just have to do without that other people might consider essential but, if working two jobs or lots of overtime is an option, it's worth doing for the right person.


If the relationship is going to work long term then, eventually, one person has to move but, again, you don't need a lot of money to do that. I don't know about the rules for the US but in our case (UK/NZ) you just have to be able to support yourselves as a couple and there's nothing to stop the immigrant partner from working in the adopted country.


The most difficult decision is deciding who's moving where when you both already have settled lives in your own country. They do say 'love conquers all' and my partner and I are doing our best to make sure that's true - even from a very long distance and without a lot of money.

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*shrugs* Long distance typically is harder if you are poor. Then again, so is virtually everything else non-relationship-related.

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