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difficulty with my anxiousness with friends/others

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I've been trying really hard to get better at socializing and becoming more relaxed in social settings, but it's really hard for me. I've always had friends growing up and appear like I am some confident, put together girl. However, no one knows how tough it actually is for me to go out to bars or really, any social environment and deal with others. I get easily anxious and nervous. I feel as though I come on too strong- like overly friendly with both friends and strangers. Because I'm nervous, I laugh a lot ( more like a giggle.) I hate that I do this. To some, it seems like I am a really nice person who is friendly and engaging. To others, I feel like it seems like I'm a weirdo.


A kid I used to babysit would tell me I laugh too much. I was actually a little defeated because this was something I knew already, but to have some 5 year old tell it straight to your face- It was embarrassing.


I have a hard time with small-talk and really just being myself around anyone. I can be awkward and nervous and it makes me feel like ****. I just want to "talk" normal and not over analyze everything. I'm trying very hard to tone down my eagerness and extra friendliness. It's difficult when I'm filled with a bunch of nervous energy and the only way I know how to interact is to smile and laugh because I don't know what to do or say.



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You are perfectly normal and just like everybody else in the world. What you experience is the same anxieties every one else has to some extent.



Fake it 'til you make it. Just keep acting confident & put together. Eventually you will be.

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