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What to get a girl for her birthday.

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Ok we're both in college and are pretty good friends. We aren't like boyfriend and girlfriend.(yet) I want to get her something for her birthday. I don't want it to be too lovey dovey, but I want it to show her that I care for her. I hope to start a relationship sometime soon. Any ideas?

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Get her event tickets of some sort (concert, play, etc) and tell her you'd love to take her. This way you also get to spend time with her :)

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What does she like? jewelrey? scarves? perfumes? nail polish? make up? books? music? cds? paintings? does she have any hobbies?

For example I love scarves, that would be a great present for me. Maybe not so great for somebody else. I suggest you take notice of anything she likes instead of just buying something you think might be the right gift and spending money on something she will not like.

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