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How to handle nasty colleague?

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Hi I have just joined a start up company which is based overseas for slightly more than a week. Behaviour of one of my new colleagues who has joined the company on the same day as me has been quite annoying lately. He'll find opportunity to get close to me and then "put me down". I find him very rude and irritating and have told him off during a tele-conversation yesterday (We are on the same level but in different field).


Two days ago he came and asked me to provide him some financial information (I'm in accounting field). I find him a bit "weird" as he chose to approach me for help (for the fact that he always belittle me) and not another colleague (who's well known for her bad temper).


I feel victimised and wonder how you guys will tackle this kind of nasty people? Btw, I have not provided him the information he wanted as it's not part of my job. Furthermore, I feel it's not worthwhile to extend help to this kind of persons but what do you guys think? Will that affect my reputation in this company? Some of my colleagues also find him very cunning and unpleasant....





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well tell ur boss or if ur the boss then fire him and tell the boss that he is very aggresive with u which u can put charges on him to get him fired and arrested

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You're saying he came to work there the same day as you which was one week ago. He's not in a place of authority over you and I assume he's sort of in a probationary period. I think I'd be very frank with him and explain to him that he's making you uncomfortable and I'd let him know that if it continues you'll have no choice but to take your concerns to the higher ups.


I had a similar experience years ago when I first started at the hospital where I am now. I hired in and was soon taking charge nurse duties of the floor and one of the nurses who'd been there many years didn't like the situation and tried to make things miserable for me, which she did. I finally told her flat out I was sick to death of her attitude. She didn't speak to me the rest of the day, but the next day called me at home and we had a long conversation and we've been good friends ever since. The moral of the story: You must speak up, you have to get tough sometimes and just let someone know you're not going to stand back and let them treat you with disrespect.

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