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When I was younger I always felt safe..I always felt as if this world was such a great place where no harm can be done..well my views on that was changed in a heartbeat! I was walking to the local corner store and I was sexually harassed, I remember before it happened I was thinking about how safe the neighborhood was..everyone always looked after eachother..but in just 1 second everything changed.


From that day foward I have had a lot of fears! I'm almost 20..I hate being home alone..I totally flip..I've lost all my friends because I fear that I will be in a situation that I won't want to be in, I don't drive..driving is the biggest fear I have..nobody understands why I don't just get my license..but getting my license would mean a lot more than being able to drive to me..it would be a constant fear of something happening..being followed, car breaking down, getting into a car accident, getting shot by another driver, getting chased by someone..the list goes on and on. I'm scared of life in general! I can't walk out of the house without my mom or dad watching..its amazing that I can even go to work anymore. I work in a bad part of town..where a lot of homeless people are on the streets who bag for money, and then my other job..(I have to jobs) is a good place..but I still fear being robbed, harassed, or killed!


Is this anxiety or am I just a complete phsyco freak..or both? I'm serious..I feel like I'm 10 years old and I won't let myself grow up!


Any Advice?



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We can't talk you out of this rationally, as you without doubt know that these fears are not rational at all.


It is in all likelihood anxiety. Sadly we are no professionals, but I do recommend for you to see a professional. It is a real possibility these anxieties are connected to the sexual harassment you have suffered.


You are not a freak.


"To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright." - Walter Benjamin

And right now, that is absolutely not the position you are in SweetCakes. Wish you the best.

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I understand exactly what you are feeling. I suffer from an anxiety disorder as well. And it can really suck, be terrifying, and makes you think you're crazy. You're NOT crazy. You have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from this sexual harrassment on you.


Ofcourse those fears are real to you - You lost a sense of your safety net and how life should be. The anxiety makes everything worse and along the way you've taught yourself the typical anxiety - agrophobia - behaviour...Avoidance. Been there too. Still struggle at times with it.


The driving used to be a huge problem for me. I'd be OK with somebody with me, but as soon as I had to go anywhere by myself, I would start to feel that anxiety build up. But, with therapy once a week it helps alot. I've been doing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for over a year now. My therapist is really amazing! Talk to your doctor about CBT and getting you someone who specializes in CBT. I think it could really help you alot.


You're so young still and with your awful experience you need some help so the anxiety and/or depression doesn't take over your life even more than it already has.


Feel free to ask me anything you'd like, and PM me too if you need to talk. You're not alone and talking about this is only going to help you even more.



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