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Son, 15, Still Wets Bed....

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I am now 52 my daughter has left home im a grandma but still i have to change wet mattresses why? This is because of my 15 year old son has been weeing the bed all his life now and still i have problems stopping him. I would like some good strong advice on how to help my son stop weeing the bed. P.S this is not a joke this is serious my son does have a problem.

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Just A Girl2

Hi Sheila!


Geez, poor guy, and poor you!


First of all, has he been seen by a doctor regarding this? Because from what I've heard, bed-wetting can actually be a medical problem...... (not behavioral). Does he have a good family doc? As well, a referral to a urologist (specialist doctor who deal specifically in the bladder, the urinary tract, etc). I would start with this, ASAP...and if your family doc is no help, then he needs to get into a Urologist....because I'm SURE there's something that can be done, but most importantly, the "root cause" of this has to be determined, you know? Hope this helps some.

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if it's occasional (like twice a year), it may simply go away later. it happened to me, and i think it was mostly because of stress at school. as i grew older, it simply went away - entirely only by the time i was 16 or 17.


if it's regular, i think doctor's opinion is necessary ASAP as well.


good luck


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It certainly can indicate something physically wrong. Bedwetting past 10 years old has also been correlated with learning difficulties; nobody is sure why. There are alarms which wake kids as soon as a bit of moisture hits them; the physician you see might have a good source for one of these alarms.

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I agree with everyone else - get a medical evaluation done right away. You might also want to get him some counseling. Wetting the bed at his age - even if its a medical problem and is being corrected, might cause him some emotional problems / embarassment, etc. that a counselor can help him deal with. 15 is a difficult age, as I'm sure you know. Not quite a man, but not a child either. The problem could be a combination of medical and psychological causes, in which case both should be treated.


Does he have a male role model / father figure in his life? It might be easier for him to talk about some of this with a man, rather than a woman--especially his mom.


Also, are you SURE its urine? Could it also be wet dreams?

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