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Want to marry but her parents will not approve.

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I’ve been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. I know she’s the one, I have no doubt. I want to ask her to marry me. I am pretty confident she will say yes.


We are from different sides of the tracks as they say. She is on her way to becoming a pediatric nurse and I just waitress. We met when I served her and there was an instant spark. Neither of us had had a same sex relationship prior to that.


The problem is her parents. They look down in me, I know they do, they don’t hide it. I’m also female and they think our relationship is just an experiment for her, even after 2 years.


Now she is very close to her parents. She visits at least once a month, they are interstate. She supports me whenever they talk me down all the time and if it came to it she would choose me but I am really struggling with the idea of her having to make that choice. Her parents will not accept us, they will make it difficult, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they cut her off.


I want her but I don’t want her to be faced with a choice of me or them. Does that make sense? We all dream of the big wedding and there is no way they will attend. I feel like in order to make me happy, or us as a couple happy I will destroy her relationship with her family. That’s a lot to have on my shoulders.


If I ask she will say yes and she will walk away from her family if they don’t support us, but I worry that many years down the track this could become an issue because I took her parents from her.


What should I do?

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Take a vacation together and see if this is a LTR thing. If your going to be together. Its either her Parents are on board, or its going to be seperate worlds.


They come to the Wedding and the adoption of a child with you and your GF and thats it. No big get togethers at all. Or maybe they do it once a year.


If you broke up. Do you think your GF would be with another man or woman?

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Talk to yout GF about your fears. Ask her what would happen if her parents disowned her because of her sexual preferences. If you want to ask her to marry you, ask. Don't take that choice away from her because you are concerned about her parents. Hopefully they can be persuaded to come around.


All in law relationships are strained to some extent. I just had a huge row with my MIL

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You should ask her, and leave the choice up to her. You didn't "take" anyone from her, nor did you force her into any "it's them or me" dilemmas.

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