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does sbe still love me

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last year was really rough. i was having major problems my zero hour job inluc4ing not getting the hours to cover finances and major problems with my boss. my girlfriend whk i live with lost her granmother and had lots of pressure at work. I stopped telling her what was going on as i didnt want tk upset her. We started having money issues so i took out payday loans etc without telling her. This just made matters mkre streeful and i ended up feeling quute ioslated from my girlfriend. i ended up chatting tl slme girls on online forums and exchanging picture etc of a sexual.nature. i have since got a new job and started to sort things out. in january my girlfriend found tbe massages agreed to give me another chance. she found out about the loans a couple of days ago. she has agreed to give me another chance but stated that the way my stepkids feel about me was a major issue in her chioce not to ask me to leave (my girlfriends kids by a previous marrage). she is really distant with me and i really worried she does not love me. what would.you advise

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Of course she's distant , she's not gonna just say all is forgiven and lets get on with it like nothings happened.

l'm amazed she's even talking at all.

lf you really love her you gotta hang in there prove your back in it 110% and make it up to her and that's gonna take time. Not tomorrow or not next week , real time.

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She didn't stop loving. She's distant because she lost trust & respect for you. She's hurt & scared.


Dig yourself out of the pay day loan mess ASAP by doing whatever you have to do -- fast food 2nd job, drive for Uber/Lyft, sell your services on Task Rabbit, sell stuff on ebay etc.


Sit down with your live in GF & make a house hold budget. Get rid of the excesses & trim your grocery budget.


Now be romantic as possible, cheaply. Notice I said romantic not sexy . . .yet. Send her cute texts / emails periodically. Leave hand written love notes around the house. Ask her to dance in the middle of the living room. Take her on a walk around the neighborhood & hold hands.


Be transparent with your computer use. Move the computer to a public room so you can't be secretive in what you are posting. Since you mentioned step kids this will have the added protection of keeping them safe from internet predators.


You can fix this if you sincerely apologize & take steps to prevent stuff like this from happening again.

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